Faculty Directory

Bruno Palier

CNRS Research Director
Affiliated to: Centre d'études européennes et de politique comparée, Centre d'études européennes et de politique comparée, Centre d'études européennes et de politique comparée
Research Topics: Welfare system, Public policies, European Union

Lidia Panico

Professeure des universités
Affiliated to: Centre de recherche sur les inégalités sociales (CRIS)
Research Topics: Well-being, Demography and Populations, Familly, Generations, Inequality and Discrimination, Health

Sylvain Parasie

University Professor
Affiliated to: Médialab
Research Topics: Digital technologies, Public space, Public opinion, Media, Digital survey methods

Maxime Parodi

Affiliated to: Observatoire français des conjonctures économiques
Research Topics: Inequality and discriminations, Social classes and strata, Social Justice

Giacomo Parrinello

Associate Professor
Affiliated to: Centre d'histoire de Sciences Po
Research Topics: Urban environmental history, Disaster history, Water and river history, Energy history, Coastal history, History of Anthropocene, History of environmental knowledge

Simon Paye

Affiliated to: Centre de sociologie des organisations, Centre de sociologie des organisations, Laboratoire lorrain de Sciences Sociales, Centre Maurice Halbwachs, Université de Lorraine

Janie Pélabay

Research Fellow
Affiliated to: Centre de recherches politiques de Sciences Po
Research Topics: Theory of democracy, European politic issues, Nations and nationalisms, Political philosophy of the State

Hervé Péléraux

Affiliated to: Observatoire français des conjonctures économiques
Research Topics: Forecast, Modelization, Business enterprises, Labour markets, France

Jérôme Pelisse

Full Professor
Affiliated to: Centre de sociologie des organisations
Research Topics: Sociology of work, Sociology of law, Syndicalism, Sociology of organizations

Benoît Pelopidas

Associate Professor
Affiliated to: Centre de recherches internationales
Research Topics: Transnational history of nuclear categories, Theory of international security, Intellectual history of defence and security issues in France, the UK, the US or among transnational communities

Jeremy Perelman

Associate Professor, Director of Sciences Po's International Affairs
Affiliated to: Ecole de Droit
Research Topics: International humanitarian law, Public international law, Comparative law, Law and development

Eduardo Perez-Richet

Associate Professor
Affiliated to: Département d'économie
Research Topics: Microeconomic Theory, Game Theory, Information Economics, Political Economics.

Hélène Périvier

Affiliated to: Observatoire français des conjonctures économiques
Research Topics: Labour markets, Gender, Welfare state, Inequality and discriminations

Catherine Perron

Assistant Research Professor with tenure
Affiliated to: Centre de recherches internationales
Research Topics: Memory and identity in today’s Germany, forced migrations and policies of the past, memory and heritage of migrations, common heritage.

Sandrine Perrot

Assistant Research Professor with tenure
Affiliated to: Centre de recherches internationales
Research Topics: Uganda, armed groups, violence, vote, identity papers

Guillaume Piketty

FNSP Full Professor, Director of Sciences Po's Centre for History
Affiliated to: Centre d'histoire de Sciences Po
Research Topics: Historical anthropology of the warlike phenomenon and the resistance phenomenon, 19th and 20th centuries - Coming out of war, 19th and 20th centuries - Emotions, sensitivities and combat - Free France

Olivier Pilmis

CNRS Research Fellow
Affiliated to: Centre de sociologie des organisations (CSO)
Research Topics: Economic sociology, Sociology of work, Sociology of professions

Sébastien Pimont

Dean of the Sciences Po Law School
Affiliated to: Ecole de Droit
Research Topics: Law of obligations, Consumer law, Real estate Law, Critical legal theory

Mathieu Plane

Affiliated to: Observatoire français des conjonctures économiques
Research Topics: Labour force, Labour markets, French Economy, Business, Economic Policy, Public Finance

Guillaume Plantin

Professor of Economics, CEPR Research Fellow, Associated Researcher at the Toulouse School of Economics (2014-2017), Vice President for Research at Sciences Po
Affiliated to: Département d'économie, Tepper School of Business, Tepper School of Business, Tepper School of Business
Research Topics: Finances, Innovation, Prudential regulation, Financial institutions, Monetary Policy, Financial Regulation

Guillaume Plique

Affiliated to: Médialab, Médialab

Stefan Pollinger

Affiliated to: Département d'économie
Research Topics: Public Economics, Applied Econometrics, and Environmental Economics.

Karoline Postel Vinay

Research Professor
Affiliated to: Centre de recherches internationales
Research Topics: Japan, International relations, North-East Asia

Alain Pottage

University Professor
Affiliated to: Ecole de Droit
Research Topics: Theories of property , Law in the Anthropocene, Intellectual property, Brands and trade marks, Social theories of law , Law and anthropology

Edmond Préteceille

Affiliated to: Centre de recherche sur les inégalités sociales
Research Topics: Urban and scholar segregation, Urban inequalities, Middle class, Brazil
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