Lidia Panico

Professeure des universités
  • Lidia Panico (Sciences Po - CRIS)Lidia Panico (Sciences Po - CRIS)

contact : lidia.panico(at)
Bureau / Office : A210

Download the Resume (pdf, 520 Ko)

Lidia Panico is member of the LIEPP - Co-Director of the Educational Policies Research Group.

Hal Spire Sciences Po Scholar BlueSky social networkLidia Panico Website

Thèmes de recherche - Research Interests

Lidia Panico’s research is at the crossroad between demography, epidemiology and sociology. Her work aims to describe and explain socio-economic inequalities in child health, development, and well-being, and with a focus on family processes and the role of public policies. Her research makes use of longitudinal methods and data, notably birth cohorts, and includes a comparative approach.


Direction de thèses - PhD Students

  • Marta de la Torre Carrera (co-dir.), L’engagement parental au sein des familles nombreuses : quels effets de l’expérience de la parentalité auprès des aînés sur la scolarité des derniers de fratrie?
  • Emilie Grisez (co-dir.), La socialisation des enfants dans les écoles primaires catholiques en France

funded projects

ANR The Emergence of Health Gaps in Early Life: A Dynamic Analysis of Three National Birth Cohorts (EGAL)


Article mis à jour le 17-10-2024
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