Home>The World in the Face of COVID-19: Research Analysis and Surveys


The World in the Face of COVID-19: Research Analysis and Surveys

(credits: Mattthewafflecat / Pixabay)

The contribution of social sciences is more than ever essential for citizens, communities and leaders facing the crisis caused by Covid-19. The issues it touches upon - economic, social and health policy, organisation of public authorities and companies, trust in governmental bodies, inequalities, globalisation ... - are familiar to the academic community of Sciences Po. Through their analyses and new research projects, our researchers are responding today to the fundamental need to grasp the political, economic and social impacts of this pandemic in the short and long term.

Section #analysis


August 2021

July 2021

June 2021

April 2021






Section #data

Surveys & Data

  • Coronavirus Country Comparator: a real-time visualisation tool for national and global health statistics, developed by Benjamin Ooghe-Tabanou, medialab
  • The Center for Political Research (CEVIPOF), in cooperation with multiple partners, is carrying out a national and comparative survey “Citizens’ attitudes towards COVID-19”. Its main objective is to survey citizens on their reactions to public policies undertaken and on the trust they place in politicians and experts, making it possible to measure the impacts that the crisis could have on social cohesion.
    Project and results
  • Anne Muxel, CNRS research director at CEVIPOF launched the ARMY project in partnership with the Military School's Institute for Strategic Research (IRSEM). Its purpose is to analyse the mobilisation and role of the armed forces in this health crisis and their perception among the population in three sequences: 1- an examination of decision-making within the State and the General Staff of armies; 2 - an opinion study aimed in particular at evaluating the reception of military interventions with a representative panel of young French citizens; 3 - a comparative approach to the mobilisation of armies in Italy, Germany and Switzerland.