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Sciences Po's Signature Charter
The signature of a scientific publication helps ensure the recognition and visibility of the authors, as well as the research units hosting them and the institutions that house them.
In order to increase this visibility, in 2016 Sciences Po decided to develop a signature charter for research publications defining a few simple rules. This charter covers the entire community involved in Sciences Po’s research output.
Download the signature charter
The signature mentions the identity of the authors and their affiliation.
The identity is “Name Surname”.
The affiliation includes two pieces of information: "Sciences Po" and the "Name of the research unit".
When this unit is also part of "CNRS" (which is the case for UMR – joint research units – and UAR – research support units), this third piece of affiliation information is added to the signature, regardless of the author's status.
Finally, the signature ends with the words "Paris", "France".
The two most common cases at Sciences Po are:
1. People affiliated with a Sciences Po research unit (CHSP, Law School, medialab, OFCE)
"Name Surname", "Sciences Po", "Name of the research unit (Acronym)", "Paris", "France".
2. People affiliated with a research unit associated with CNRS (CERI, CEE, CSO, Department of Economics, CRIS, CEVIPOF, CDSP)
"Name Surname", "Sciences Po", "Name of the research unit (Acronym)", "CNRS", "Paris", "France".
Below are sample signatures in French and English for the eleven Sciences Po research units as well as for the crosscutting programs (LIEPP and AxPo).
A few specific instructions are also attached to this document to help you fine-tune your signature, namely for PhDs and associate researchers.
Please read them and adopt the signature model that Sciences Po has provided you.
Signature for the various centers
Prénom Nom, Sciences Po, Centre de données socio-politiques (CDSP), CNRS, Paris, France.
Name Surname, Sciences Po, Center for socio-political data (CDSP), CNRS, Paris, France.
Prénom Nom, Sciences Po, Centre d’études européennes et de politique comparée (CEE), CNRS, Paris, France.
Name Surname, Sciences Po, Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics (CEE), CNRS, Paris, France.
Prénom Nom, Sciences Po, Centre d’Histoire (CHSP), Paris, France.
Name Surname, Sciences Po, Center for History (CHSP), Paris, France.
Prénom Nom, Sciences Po, Centre de recherches internationales (CERI), CNRS, Paris, France.
Name Surname, Sciences Po, Center for International Studies (CERI), CNRS, Paris, France.
Prénom Nom, Sciences Po, Centre de recherches politiques (CEVIPOF), CNRS, Paris, France.
Name Surname, Sciences Po, Center for Political Research (CEVIPOF), CNRS, Paris, France.
Prénom Nom, Sciences Po, Centre de recherche sur les inégalités sociales (CRIS), CNRS, Paris, France.
Name Surname, Sciences Po, Centre for Research on Social Inequalities (CRIS), CNRS, Paris, France.
Prénom Nom, Sciences Po, Centre de sociologie des organisations (CSO), CNRS, Paris, France.
Name Surname, Sciences Po, Center for the Sociology of Organizations (CSO), CNRS, Paris, France.
Prénom Nom, Sciences Po, Département d’économie, CNRS, Paris, France.
Name Surname, Sciences Po, Department of Economics, CNRS, Paris, France.
Prénom Nom, Sciences Po, École de droit, Paris, France.
Name Surname, Sciences Po, Law School, Paris, France.
Prénom Nom, Sciences Po, médialab, Paris, France.
Name Surname, Sciences Po, medialab, Paris, France.
Prénom Nom, Sciences Po, OFCE, Paris, France.
Name Surname, Sciences Po, OFCE, Paris, France.
Prénom Nom, Sciences Po, centre de rattachement (acronyme), CNRS [si pertinent], LIEPP, Paris, France.
Name Surname, Sciences Po, center of affiliation (acronym), CNRS [if applicable], LIEPP, Paris, France.
Prénom Nom, Sciences Po, centre de rattachement (acronyme), CNRS [si pertinent], AxPo, Paris, France.
Name Surname, Sciences Po, center of affiliation (acronym), CNRS [if applicable], AxPo, Paris, France.
Prénom Nom, Sciences Po, centre de rattachement (acronyme), CNRS [si pertinent], AxPo, Paris, France.
Name Surname, Sciences Po, center of affiliation (acronym), CNRS [if applicable], AxPo, Paris, France.
General recommendations
The signature is on a single line (i.e. it only comes in one form, with all the affiliation elements on a single line. There are no long or short forms of the signature – just a single signature).
The affiliation has a top-down hierarchical structure and each element of the affiliation must be separated by a comma (no "and" or "et").
The first two fields must be: Name then Surname of the author, home institution (i.e. Sciences Po).
The following fields must be completed in the following order: name of the research unit or center (followed, if applicable, by its acronym in parentheses), other supervisory body, address in the form of city, country.
Sciences Po’s membership in the SPC alliance is mentioned in a footnote. The supervisory authorities mentioned in the affiliation are those of the research unit and not those of the author of the publication. FNSP researchers and lecturers and university professors and lecturers must therefore include CNRS in their signature if their unit is a joint one. Conversely, a CNRS researcher affiliated with a unit that is not a CNRS joint unit should not include CNRS as an affiliation.
In the event of multiple affiliations, the units are mentioned in alphabetical order and always separated by commas.
The complete postal address appears in the field reserved for the author’s contact information (corresponding author, in a footnote or at the end of the article in most journals).
The correct form of the institution name is "Sciences Po" (not "SciencesPo", "Sciences-Po", "sciencespo", "Sciences Po Paris", "IEP Paris", etc.), regardless of the language in which it is written or published.
Specific note for associate doctors
This note concerns PhDs associated with one of Sciences Po's research centers who defended their thesis at Sciences Po and who are not affiliated with another institution of higher education (no position).
The signature is as follows:
"Name Surname", "Sciences Po", "Doctor associated with Name of research unit (Acronym)", "Paris", "France"
Or, if it is a UMR/UMS
"Name Surname", "Sciences Po", "Doctor associated with Name of the research unit (Acronym)", "CNRS", "Paris", "France".
Specific note for associate researchers
This note concerns researchers associated with one of Sciences Po's research centers and also affiliated with another higher education institution.
The signature consists of two lines. The first line includes the name, surname, and main affiliation. The second line reads: "Researcher associated with Sciences Po", "Name of the unit (Acronym)".
The signature is as follows:
"Name Surname", "Primary Affiliation"
"Researcher associated with Sciences Po", "Name of the unit (Acronym)".
Notes on funding and contracts
References to research funding and contracts (e.g. Labex, Idex, ANR, Horizon Europe, etc.) do not appear in the signature itself.
They must be mentioned in a footnote or at the end of the publication in accordance with rules set out in the grant agreements (e.g. Grant Agreement for European projects and ANR agreements).
Remerciements : Ce travail a bénéficié d’une aide au titre de…
Acknowledgements: This work has received support under the…
A monitoring group was created to answer any questions about the application of this charter and the signing of your publications.
Contact: signature.scientifique@sciencespo.fr
Digital identity
ORCID and IdHAL IDs are central to building researchers’ digital identity, to referencing, and thus to the valorization of their research publications.
They notably reduce the risk of confusion and homonymy.
To help the academic community adopt ORCID and idHAL IDs, the library teams have produced a practical guide and supporting materials (ORCID sheet, idHAL tutorial).
Delphine Lereculeur for ORCID (delphine.lereculeur@sciencespo.fr) and Noémie Musnik for idHAL (noemie.musnik@sciencespo.fr) are available to help you with anything you may need.