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International Partnerships
Partnerships with international leading institutions take an ever more important role in the strengthening of research at Sciences Po. They enable scientific cooperation and mobility between teachers/researchers and PhD students of the partner institutions.
Call for visiting professorship applications
OXPO brings together two of the foremost universities in the world in the field of social sciences. It is a meeting point for scholars at both institutions with the objective of fostering and stimulating joint scientific projects. It provides a platform for the comparative analysis of the evolution of political systems and societies, in Europe and beyond. The group coordinates comparative research projects that contribute toward this goal and it facilitates academic and student exchanges between the two universities.
The agreement between Cambridge and Sciences Po allows joint funding of seminars and conferences, mobility grants for researchers and academic and academic exchanges between Cambridge and Sciences Po.
The London School of Economics (LSE) and Sciences Po have set up an annual faculty exchange programme: the LSE - Sciences Po Faculty Mobility Scheme This programme facilitates faculty exchanges and strengthens the links between the Sciences Po and LSE academic communities.
Founded in 1993, the Alfred Grosser Chair reserves a special place for visiting German professors and researchers at Sciences Po. Through the Chair, Sciences Po encourages and strengthens academic exchanges between France and Germany and facilitates the development of joint projects.
United States of America
Sciences Po-Harvard CES Faculty Exchange Program. The program offers postdoctoral social scientists at Sciences Po the opportunity to spend up to one year at Harvard University for independent research on Europe or transatlantic relations.
The Sciences Po/Princeton Collaborative Grants program is designed to provide “seed-corn” support for interactions between researchers at both institutions to build the basis for new research and teaching initiatives and proposals for external funding.
Find more about about Sciences Po Program for Princeton Students
Northwestern University and Sciences Po have been engaged in intensive and productive scientific collaboration for the past 15 years. The French Interdisciplinary Group (FIG) at Northwestern and Sciences Po have established both a faculty exchange programme and a dual PhD programme.
Created in 2002 and based in New York, Alliance is a partnership between three French institutions – Sciences Po, the École Polytechnique, and the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne – and Columbia University. In addition to encouraging joint-teaching ventures and double-degree programs, Alliance offers multiple opportunities for developing collaborative research between Sciences Po and Columbia—notably, a Doctoral Mobility Grant and Visiting Professorships, as well as financial support for innovative projects. Alliance grants are open to applicants from all fields of study and reward interdisciplinary initiatives.
Learn more about Alliance
Sciences Po’s Doctoral School and its Center for the Americas have developed a grant for doctorate and post-doctorate students wishing to pursue research under an exchange programme with the United States. Through this programme, our students are sent every year to the great social science research centers of our North American partner universities, while we welcome their students in turn. The program includes six renowned universities: The University of Chicago, Columbia University, Harvard University, Northwestern University Princeton University Yale Universit.
Thanks to cooperation agreements with Waseda and Keio universities in Japan, Sciences Po hosts a visiting scholar from each of these institutions for a month each year. Reciprocally, Sciences Po sends 2 scholars to Japan for the same amount of time each year.
For more information, contact your university’s International Affairs department. Contact at Sciences Po: Pauline Couteau