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Call for projects

As part of the redeployment of LIEPP in partnership with Université Paris Cité, the calls for projects aim to promote the development and enhancement of interdisciplinary academic work on the evaluation of public policies and to strengthen the activities of its six research groups (discrimination and category -based policies, evaluation of democracy, socio-fiscal policies, educational policies, health policies and environmental policies).
The calls for proposals target interdisciplinary projects and are open to all disciplines that can contribute to the reflection on public action. Three types of projects are supported: interdisciplinary literature reviews, research projects and the organisation of interdisciplinary events or networks in public policy evaluation.
LIEPP general call for projects (2024, closed)
LIEPP is launching a general call for projects on the theme of public policy evaluation, aimed at strengthening the activities of its research areas. This call is open to project leaders from the Sciences Po - Université Paris Cité perimeter. Further information
LIEPP general call for projects (2022, closed)
This call for projects is aimed at projects of a maximum duration of two years on the theme of public policy evaluation. It is open to project leaders from the Sciences Po - Université Paris Cité perimeter. Further information
Call for projects "Interdisciplinary evaluation of gender policies" (closed, 2022)
LIEPP is launching its second call for projects in partnership with the PRESAGE programme and the Cité du Genre, on the theme of interdisciplinary evaluation of gender policies. This call is open to project leaders from the Sciences Po - Université Paris Cité perimeter. Further information
Call for projects "au fil de l'eau" (closed)
LIEPP is launching a call for projects "au fil de l'eau" on the interdisciplinary evaluation of public policies. This call is open to project leaders from outside the Sciences Po - Université Paris Cité perimeter. Further information
LIEPP general call for projects (2020)
LIEPP is launching a general call for projects on the theme of public policy evaluation, aimed at strengthening the activities of its research areas. This call is open to project leaders from the Sciences Po - Université Paris Cité perimeter. Further information
Call for projects "Interdisciplinary evaluation of gender policies" (2020)
LIEPP is launching its first call for projects in partnership with the PRESAGE programme and the Cité du Genre, on the theme of interdisciplinary evaluation of gender policies. This call is open to project leaders from the Sciences Po - Université Paris Cité perimeter. Further information
Call for projects 2011-2017
- Informer pour gouverner. Les dynamiques institutionnelles des mondes de la gouvernance macroéconomique (InfoGouv) (2017)
- Marchés locaux du logement locatif, inégalités et trajectoires résidentielles des classes moyennes dans la métropole parisienne (2017)
- Le déploiement de la politique publique d'affichage environnemental. Analyse des modes d'intervention publique sur l'économie par l'information des consommateurs (PolConso) (2017)
- 7es Journées d’économie de la culture et de la communication Évaluation des politiques publiques : arts, culture et medias; Public policy evaluation: arts culture and media (2015)
- Maires bâtisseurs, maires battus ? (2015)
- Entre aliments et médicaments. Régulation publique, stratégies industrielles et construction d’un marché interstitiel de la santé (2015)
- The World Politics of Social Investment (2015)
- Activité réduite et parcours professionnel
- Commission d'évaluation de la loi pour la croissance et l'attractivité
- Evaluation de la politique de recrutement militaire français
- Local job market conditions & recidivism
- Private International Law as Global Governance (PILAGG)
- Séminaire d'économie urbaine
- Violences en France : un problème de santé publique ?
- Workshop On Crime Control Policies
- Une philanthropie à la française ?
- Évaluation des politiques publiques en matière de coordination des soins
- Entre aliments et médicaments. Régulation publique, stratégies industrielles et construction d’un marché interstitiel de la santé
- Genre et promotions : enquête sur les économistes en France
- Mise à l’agenda des politiques d’excellence
- Appel d’offres Initiative d’excellence : Etude de la réponse de trois établissement
- Effets de pairs dans la recherche académique
- Biais dans le processus éditorial des revues
- Mesure de l’excellence