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Payroll file
The relevant legislation (Decree No. 87-889 of 29 October 1987 on the conditions of recruitment and employment of contract teaching staff for higher education (fr.)) authorises the IEP de Paris (as a public higher education institution) to employ adjuncts and temporary contract staff for teaching.
The decree stipulates that “teaching adjuncts are instructors recruited because of their expertise in a given academic, cultural or professional field and who practice that discipline as their main occupation, in France or abroad”.
The administrative file required for you to receive your pay must be completed or updated before classes start. To do so, you need to fill out an online form and upload the documentation appropriate to your situation.
- A copy of your passport (for non-European Economic Area nationals) or identity card
- An ID photo in JPEG format for your faculty card
- Proof of social security coverage (CPAM certificate with social security number and key for French citizens, European health insurance card or other proof of social security coverage for non-French nationals)
- Your bank account details
- Proof of occupation according to your situation (see “Proof of occupation” section)
Additional documents for non-European Economic Area nationals:
- A valid residence permit or receipt of your application
- A temporary work permit if the residence permit is issued for less than one year
- A residence permit marked “student” (for graduate students)
Newly hired faculty only: complete your file
- Your bank details if you have changed bank accounts
- Proof of occupation according to your situation (see “Proof of occupation” section)
Additional documents for non-European Economic Area nationals:
- A valid residence permit or receipt of your application
- A temporary work permit if the residence permit is issued for less than one year
- A residence permit marked “student” (for graduate students only)
Reappointed faculty only: update your file
You need to provide specific forms of proof depending on your occupation. Select your main occupation to find out which documentation to provide.
Conditions of recruitment
Work in salaried employment for a minimum of 900 hours per year.
Documentation required
The photocopy of a pay-slip received from your main employer in the calendar year of recruitment for the first semester, and in the calendar year of payment for the second semester.
- Example: for the first semester 2018/2019, provide a 2018 pay-slip
- Example: for the second semester 2018/2019, provide a 2019 pay-slip
If you have several employers, provide a pay-slip for each employer.
Conditions of recruitment
Work in salaried employment for a minimum of 900 hours per year and be authorised by your main employer to take a second paid job.
Documentation required
The photocopy of a pay-slip received from your main employer in the calendar year of recruitment for the first semester, and in the calendar year of payment for the second semester.
- Example: for the first semester 2018/2019, provide your 2018 pay-slip
- Example: for the second semester 2018/2019, provide your 2019 pay-slip
Conditions of recruitment
You must fulfil all the following conditions:
- be affiliated with the autoentrepreneur scheme
- provide proof of having made a regular living from your occupation for at least three years
- not have IEP de Paris as your main client
Documentation required
- A copy of the notice of affiliation to the autoentrepreneur scheme
- A sworn statement that you practice your main occupation as an autoentrepreneur
and either:
- your last notice of assessment for the regional economic tax (contribution économique territoriale)
- or your last notice of liability for URSSAF contributions with a payment schedule.
Conditions of recruitment
- be liable for the regional economic tax (contribution économique territoriale) from 1 January 2010
- or provide proof of having made a regular living from your occupation for at least three years;
and not have IEP de Paris as your main client
Documentation required
A copy of your INSEE registration or a K-Bis statement
and either:
- your last notice of assessment for the regional economic tax (contribution économique territoriale)
- your last pay-slip if you are a salaried director,
- last notice of liability for URSSAF contributions with a payment schedule.
Conditions of recruitment
Earn a sufficient income from your main occupation.
Documentation required
Proof of income through AGESSA or the Maison des Artistes.
Conditions of recruitment
- Receive a pension or early retirement allowance
- Teach in the disciplines stipulated in the Decree of 27 July 1992 (law, economics, management, languages, mathematics or computer science)
Documentation required
A copy of your last pension slip
Conditions of recruitment
Be registered (enrolled) in the second year of a Master's programme or a PhD programme for the academic year you will teach.
Documentation required
Proof of administrative registration for the academic year you will teach