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Lecture theatres and classrooms
The room for your course is indicated in your faculty account. As changes are likely to be made just before the semester starts, we suggest you check the room the day before your class.
The Timetabling Office may be obliged to change the room for your course during the semester, for accessibility reasons for example. They will inform you and your students via your Sciences Po email address.
If you arrange a session off-campus, you need to inform your academic coordinator and the Timetabling Office in advance by email.
Can't find your room? Follow the guide by consulting your Sciences Po mobile application.
All lecture theatres and classrooms are equipped with:
- a screen or a video projector in larger rooms;
- a computer that can take a USB drive;
- a control unit;
- a sound system;
- cables to connect a laptop.
You are free to use any or all of this equipment. To avoid stressful situations, remember to test your documents (PowerPoint, Excel, etc.) before classes start. Training is available to help you get used to equipment: how to use the computer, the video projector, etc. Register for a training session.
Some rooms are equipped for hybrid teaching and have additional facilities to facilitate simultaneous teaching of remote students on Zoom and students in the classroom:
- the computer of the room has a webcam to capture your image;
- another camera overhangs the room screen and captures the image of the room.
If you are teaching in a hybrid classroom, we recommend that you:
- sign up for a training session before the start of the academic year;
- consult this video tutorial (in french) and this user guide (PDF, 585 Ko);
- consult the videos “Teaching in a hybrid classroom: choosing the right camera” and “Including distant students during interactive time in a hybrid room”;
- consult the Teaching in a hybrid classroom module (in french) at your own pace.
In the event of a malfunction: contact the helpdesk immediately (sos@sciencespo.fr or Ph. 01 45 49 77 99) to request assistance.
Find out more about classroom equipment.
You need to indicate any special requirements—layout, equipment, accessibility, etc.—when you submit your timetable choices.
You can also specify that your teaching requires certain devices.
If you have any particular problems with the room (other than technical), you should inform the Timetabling Office.
For security reasons, after each class, rooms must be returned to the layout indicated on the layout plan on the wall. Also for security reasons, any student not registered for the course should not be allowed in your classroom.
All safety and security instructions must be respected. Note in particular that you and your students will be required to participate in safety drills.