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Announcements: recruitment, internships, openings, post-docs...
(Published on 13 January 2025)
[Call for applications] Teaching Assistant - Spring 2024-2025
The Department of Studies and Partnerships is seeking, for the spring semester 2024-2025: A doctoral student in 2024-2025 interested in a Teaching Assistant assignment, as part of the introductory lecture course: ‘Sociologie des organisations’, taught in French by Professors Henri BERGERON and Olivier BORRAZ, at the Joint Academic Training of Masters Courses.
(Published on 13 January 2025)
[Fixed-term contract] Head of teaching for the EMOUNA programme, Sciences Po
As part of a part-time contract, reporting to the Director of Studies and Partnerships and working in coordination with the scientific advisor, founders and administrative manager, you will be responsible for steering the programme's teaching. You will be responsible for Guaranteeing the intellectual and pedagogical quality of the teaching.
(Published on 9 January 2025)
[STAGE] Rédacteurs / Rédactrices
La Fondation AlphaOmega œuvre depuis 2010 à la réussite éducative et professionnelle de jeunes issus de milieux modestes. Pionnière de la venture philanthropy en France, elle est la plus importante fondation entièrement dédiée à la lutte contre le décrochage scolaire.
La fondation souhaite aujourd’hui créer un média afin d’amplifier la diffusion de bonnes pratiques éducatives et ainsi potentiellement produire plus rapidement les effets escomptés. Ce média mettra à la disposition de tous des clés de compréhension du décrochage scolaire ainsi que des propositions opérationnelles, à la fois pour développer le pouvoir d’agir des acteurs de la prévention en la matière et pour doter les enfants et les jeunes des compétences nécessaires à leur épanouissement dans un monde en proie à d’importantes transformations. Ce média, complémentaire de l’approche initiale de la Fondation et au potentiel salvateur pour les plus démunis, requiert des talents ayant à cœur de contribuer à la réussite de tous. Vous avez cette ambition et vous recherchez une expérience qui vous permette de la concrétiser, mais aussi de valoriser et de renforcer vos compétences ? stagiaires, à compter de fin janvier 2025.
(Published on 9 January 2025)
[STAGE] « Cartographie et suivi des recommandations de l’Anses sur la thématique des nanomatériaux »
La Direction « sciences sociales, économie et société » est placée sous l’autorité hiérarchique du directeur général délégué en charge du « Pôle sciences pour l’expertise ». Elle est chargée de développer et coordonner la contribution des sciences sociales (principalement sociologie, science politique et économie) aux activités d’expertise de l’Agence ainsi que de susciter et de renforcer les interactions avec les parties prenantes (associations de citoyens, syndicats de salariés, fédérations d’entreprises, etc.) dans le cadre des missions de contribution au débat public.
Au sein de la Direction de l’évaluation des risques, l‘Unité d’Evaluation des Risques liés aux Agents Physiques (UERAP) est chargée d’évaluer les risques sanitaires liés aux agents physiques et aux nouvelles technologies. Son domaine d’activité comprend notamment les rayonnements non ionisants (champs électromagnétiques basses fréquences, radiofréquences, rayonnements optiques), les nanomatériaux, le bruit et les vibrations, les nouvelles technologies, les nouvelles organisations de travail, le changement climatique, etc. Elle participe, avec ces collectifs, à la mise à jour des connaissances dans ces domaines et à l’appui scientifique et technique aux pouvoirs publics dans la mise en œuvre de leur politique sanitaire.
(Published on 9 January 2025)
[FICHE DE POSTE] Économiste sur la compétitivité et la réindustrialisation
La DGE est au service du ministre chargé de l’Économie et des Finances. Notre action est au cœur des chantiers du Gouvernement en faveur de la transformation économique et de l’autonomie stratégique du pays. Au service de la compétitivité des entreprises, elle porte la politique industrielle, définit les mesures de régulation du numérique, ainsi que les politiques de soutien à l’économie de proximité. Elle accompagne les entreprises dans la transformation numérique et écologique de l’économie, et œuvre en faveur de la simplification règlementaire et d’une politique d’innovation ambitieuse. Ses missions comportent à la fois une dimension européenne et internationale forte et une dimension territoriale qu’elle met en œuvre grâce à un réseau de services déconcentrés au sein des Directions régionales de l’économie, de l’emploi, du travail et des solidarités.Engagée et à la pointe de l’innovation publique, la direction organisée en mode projet depuis 2019 déploie une politique ambitieuse en matière d’égalité professionnelle entre les femmes et les hommes et des mesures fortes en matière d’éco-responsabilité.
(Published on 11 December 2024)
The Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA) is looking for a grader for the lecture course "F1HH 4105 - Human Rights and Humanitarian Action: Actors and Mechanisms" taught by Elodie ANDRAULT, William SCHABAS, Antoine BERNARD.
(Published on 11 December 2024)
The Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA) is looking for a grader for the lecture course “F1HH 4100 - Introduction to International Human Rights Law (Lecture)” by William SCHABAS.
(Published on 10 December 2024)
[Job Offer: Assistant Professor] The Department of Public Policy at Central European University (CEU) invites applications for a full-time tenure-track Assistant Professorship. Candidates are expected to demonstrate an excellent command of quantitative methods, in particular text mining, natural language processing, machine learning (or related methods), and apply these methods to policy-relevant topics related to: Politics of public policy making; Media or interest groups influence, favoritism; Social cohesion, institutions and social policy; Public policy and artificial intelligence.
(Published on 3 December 2024)
[Internship] Media Relations & Influence Project Manager (Cultural Sector)
Are you passionate about culture? Would you like to learn about media and influence relations, or increase your skills in order to support projects on a national and international scale? Join Pierre Laporte Communication, a leading agency in the cultural sector, for a 6-month internship starting in January 2025!
Find out more (in French)
(Published on 2 December 2024)
[Internship offer] The place and role of Google in local governance
Investigating the effects of the digitization of public places by Google Maps
4-6 month Master's internship, Techniques, Territoires et Sociétés Laboratory (Latts)
Supervision: Antoine Courmont (Associate Professor, Université Gustave Eiffel, Latts)
Find out more (in French)
(Published on 29 November 2024)
Two internship subjects proposed by the Landes Department's Gender Equality Promotion Department.
You will have the choice of carrying out :
A study of the department's disability policies from a gender equality perspective
A study on the participation of women in the economic life of the Landes.
The internship will last 6 months and could start in January 2025 in Mont-de-Marsan (40).
Applications should be sent to the following address: egalite-femmes-hommes@landes.fr
(Published on 26 November 2024)
Sciences Po opens two positions in political science, in Foreign and/or security policy of Russia & Politics of the ocean: markets, ecology and conflicts
Status: Assistant Professor, Tenure Track – Private law contract with Sciences Po
Profile: Foreign and/or security policy of Russia
This position, focusing on Russian foreign and/or security policy, requires a dual academic expertise in International Relations and Russia. While the research theme remains open, Sciences Po seeks a candidate with specialized proficiency in International Relations (IR), capable of contributing to IR theoretical, empirical, and methodological debates, coupled with a robust regional expertise.
(Published on 25 November 2024)
[Internship] Brest's maritime territories
The aim of the internship will be to identify Brest's maritime territories, in the sense of spaces that interact with the city's land-based activities, and then to assess and represent the dynamics underway in these spaces (energy and environmental policies, maritime spatial planning, impact of climate change, geostrategic constraints, etc.) in order to be able to discuss the issues they represent for the future of the metropolitan territory and its strategic orientations. A stakeholder workshop will be organized in June in conjunction with Brest Métropole. A report in English will be produced as part of the NORSAIC project.
(Published on 25 November 2024)
[Internship offer] Contribution of modeling approaches to inform maritime planning
The aim of the internship is to take stock of the various modeling approaches that can be used in maritime and coastal planning documents (Documents Stratégiques de Façade, integrated coastal management strategies, coastal urban planning documents, risk prevention plans, etc.), to analyze their contributions and limitations, and to identify development prospects that Cerema could follow or position itself in.
Find out more (in French)
(Published on 6 November 2024)
[POST DOC] Senior Research Fellow (East Asian Institute)
The East Asian Institute (EAI) at the National University of Singapore is seeking a highly qualified senior researcher with a strong background in Chinese politics and governance to join our multidisciplinary team.
Position: Senior Research Fellow
Field: Chinese Politics and Governance
(Published on 5 November 2024)
For the class on urban history, first year masters’ students at the ecole urbaine will be writing a final paper on a topic related to policy change. We are looking for a grader to work with Prof. Sukriti Issar and the TA for the course to grade these papers. Standard Sciences Po rates will apply.
Please send your CV to cyriel.pelletier@sciencespo.fr
(Published on 4 November 2024)
KYU Associés, a consulting and research firm, supports its large and medium-sized customers (Industry, Commerce, Luxury Goods, Networks and Energy, Humanitarian Aid, States and Local Authorities) in France and abroad. Our areas of expertise: Customer Offer and Experience, Sustainable Transformation, Supply Chain, Risk and Insurance, Socio-economic Studies.
We support employment and training players (OPCOs, professional federations, ministries, regions, etc.) in 3 main areas: conducting forward-looking studies, implementing training pathways and identifying job and skills requirements.
With over 70 consultants based in Paris and Cologne, the fulfillment of our employees is the cornerstone of our development, based on the values of commitment, openness, creativity and solidarity within a young, dynamic team.
(Published on 4 November 2024)
[Internship position (pre-employment)] PUBLIC POLICY CONSULTANT - Socio-economic studies / Employment-Training
KYU Associés, a consulting and research firm, supports its large and medium-sized customers (Industry, Commerce, Luxury Goods, Networks and Energies, Humanitarian Aid, States and Local Authorities) in France and abroad. Our areas of expertise: Customer Offer and Experience, Sustainable Transformation, Supply Chain, Risks and Insurance, Socio-economic Studies.
The scope of our employment-training studies department is national, and our main customers are OPCOs, unions and federations, regions, ministries...
(Published on 31 October 2024)
Call for applications for two teaching assistant positions for the following courses, as part of the Masters' Common academic curriculum, in the Spring semester 2024-2025
- "Religion and Populism" : Professor Nadia Marzouki
- "Épidémies, pouvoirs, sociétés. Approches interdisciplinaires" : Professor Etienne Nouguez
For further information, please write to: formation.commune@sciencespo.fr
(Published on 14 October 2024)
[Postdoc + PhD Candidate + Research Assistant] Join the ERC-LEARN Project Team! 3 Job advertisements for junior academics.
The Center for Research on social InequalitieS (CRIS) at the Sciences Po, Paris is seeking to appoint a postdoctoral researcher, doctoral researcher and research assistant to join the Research Team led by Prof. Bastian Betthaeuser working on the ERC-funded project "Understanding the Consequences of Major Health Crises for Education: Learning from the COVID-19 Pandemic (LEARN)".
- Research Assistant / Predoc (pdf, 201 ko), with Bachelor or Master degree,
- Doctoral Researcher / PhD Candidate (pdf, 205 ko), with Master degree or equivalent,
- Postdoctoral Researcher (pdf, 204 ko), with PhD or equivalent.
Please apply by the end of 30 November by completing this online form.
(Published on 11 October 2024)
[Internship] Insights & Analytics Research Intern Want to join the world's No. 2 in wines & spirits and work among convivial teams? Pernod Ricard is looking for an Insights & Analytics Research Intern for 6 months from January to June 2025. You will be based at the Island, our office in central Paris (Saint Lazare Train Station, Paris 8).
(Published on 23 September 2024)
La Direction de la scolarité et de la réussite étudiante de Sciences Po recherche un(e) Teaching Assistant pour accompagner sur le plan méthodologique les étudiants du programme HEPTA : Le Bachelor en Hautes Etudes Pluridisciplinaires pour Top Athlètes, qui a ouvert à l’automne 2024, est destiné à des sportifs de haut niveau et est proposé en partenariat avec l’ESSEC et CentraleSupélec, qui se sont associés à l’INSEP.
(Published on 20 September 2024)
The Fonds d'Innovation pour le Développement (FID) is recruiting a Capitalization and Learning Officer, who will operate at the interface between the strategic communication and project portfolio management functions.
(Published on 20 September 2024)
Le service des musées de France du Ministère de la Culture ouvre deux postes consacrés aux provenances : ici l'offre de chargé.e de recherche sur les provenances, un autre est ouvert pour l'animation du réseau en cours de constitution (voir sur le site de l'emploi public). Deux belles opportunités pour contribuer au renforcement de la recherche de provenances dans les musées en France !
(Published on 18 September 2024)
(Published on 11 September 2024)
Call for PhD Candidates
The Center for Research on social InequalitieS is hiring 2 PhD candidates, for the WIDOW Project (ERC) managed by Zachary Van Winkle (Associate Professor at Sciences Po). Start date: September 1, 2025.
(Published on 9 September 2024)
The new research group on Reconfiguring Europe – Between Competence and Control invites applications for 8 Doctoral researchers (75%) and 2 Postdoctoral researchers (100%). The group consists of 10 research projects in Berlin, Bremen, Leipzig and Zürich. The positions advertised will be located in Bremen or Berlin. All are funded for four years. The projects work on a common research agenda on competence and control in the EU but on different empirical and legal topics. Please check out which project best fits your interests. Application to more than one project is possible. Application deadlines vary between 15 and 30 September.
(Published on 5 September 2024)
[Call for applications] Fellowship programme
Research Project [STEPPE] “Scaling the Transnational: Entangled Political Imaginaries and Practices in East and West Europe”.
The programme addresses doctoral students and young postdocs from the humanities and social sciences whose research topics match with the questions addressed by STEPPE.
(Published on 5 September 2024)
[Job offer] The CDSP is recruiting a Prof Assistant in Political Science / Quantitative Methods of Social Sciences.
This position is intended to strengthen the methodological expertise of the CDSP and Sciences Po in general.
(Published on 4 September 2024)
[JOB OFFER] RESEARCH FELLOW, STANFORD LAW SCHOOL (Fixed term) *multi-job posting Assist faculty members at Stanford Law School conducting timely and policy-relevant research in empirical social science, primarily economist Dr. John J. Donohue. Designed for graduating seniors or recent college or master’s program graduates, the fellowship provides a unique opportunity for those considering graduate school, law school, and/or business school in the future.
Find out more
(Published on 27 August 2024)
Ministry of Justice - Contractual assistant in economic matters
The purpose of the assistant is to provide a useful insight into the examination of appeals lodged against the decisions of independent administrative authorities, mainly the Competition Authority (ADLC).
(Published on 21 August 2024)
[Job offer] Research and project manager - CIFRE
The AFMD is a public interest association founded in 2007 by managers who are concerned about how best to manage diversity in their work groups.
The studies and projects officer will be required to carry out the research for his/her doctoral project during his/her working time. The association will support this research by encouraging members of its network to take part in the project. Candidates are free to choose the subject of their doctoral research. However, it must be in line with the Association's working themes and respond to the issues faced by its members.
In addition, the person recruited will have to devote part of their working time to the operational tasks carried out by the association and described in the advertisement.
(Published on 19 August 2024)
[Job vacancy] KYU Associés is recruiting consultants to carry out consultancy and research projects for employment and training players: prospective and sectoral studies and impacts on skills, statistical portraits of professional branches, consultancy and support in implementing employment and training policies, management of digital innovation projects in conjunction with our Data Lab, etc.
Find out more (in French)
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