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Announcements: recruitment, internships, openings, post-docs...

(Published on 18 September 2024)


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(Published on 11 September 2024)

Call for PhD Candidates
The Center for Research on social InequalitieS is hiring 2 PhD candidates, for the WIDOW Project (ERC) managed by Zachary Van Winkle (Associate Professor at Sciences Po). Start date: September 1, 2025.

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(Published on 9 September 2024)

The new research group on Reconfiguring Europe – Between Competence and Control invites applications for 8 Doctoral researchers (75%) and 2 Postdoctoral researchers (100%). The group consists of 10 research projects in Berlin, Bremen, Leipzig and Zürich. The positions advertised will be located in Bremen or Berlin. All are funded for four years. The projects work on a common research agenda on competence and control in the EU but on different empirical and legal topics. Please check out which project best fits your interests. Application to more than one project is possible. Application deadlines vary between 15 and 30 September. 

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(Published on 5 September 2024)

[Call for applications] Fellowship programme 
Research Project [STEPPE] “Scaling the Transnational: Entangled Political Imaginaries and Practices in East and West Europe”.
The programme addresses doctoral students and young postdocs from the humanities and social sciences whose research topics match with the questions addressed by STEPPE.

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(Published on 5 September 2024)

[Job offer] The CDSP is recruiting a Prof Assistant in Political Science / Quantitative Methods of Social Sciences. 
This position is intended to strengthen the methodological expertise of the CDSP and Sciences Po in general.

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(Published on 4 September 2024)

[JOB OFFER] RESEARCH FELLOW, STANFORD LAW SCHOOL (Fixed term) *multi-job posting Assist faculty members at Stanford Law School conducting timely and policy-relevant research in empirical social science, primarily economist Dr. John J. Donohue. Designed for graduating seniors or recent college or master’s program graduates, the fellowship provides a unique opportunity for those considering graduate school, law school, and/or business school in the future.

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(Published on 27 August 2024)

Ministry of Justice - Contractual assistant in economic matters 
The purpose of the assistant is to provide a useful insight into the examination of appeals lodged against the decisions of independent administrative authorities, mainly the Competition Authority (ADLC).

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(Published on 21 August 2024)

[Job offer] Research and project manager - CIFRE 
The AFMD is a public interest association founded in 2007 by managers who are concerned about how best to manage diversity in their work groups. 
The studies and projects officer will be required to carry out the research for his/her doctoral project during his/her working time. The association will support this research by encouraging members of its network to take part in the project. Candidates are free to choose the subject of their doctoral research. However, it must be in line with the Association's working themes and respond to the issues faced by its members. 
In addition, the person recruited will have to devote part of their working time to the operational tasks carried out by the association and described in the advertisement.

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(Published on 19 August 2024)

[Job vacancy] KYU Associés is recruiting consultants to carry out consultancy and research projects for employment and training players: prospective and sectoral studies and impacts on skills, statistical portraits of professional branches, consultancy and support in implementing employment and training policies, management of digital innovation projects in conjunction with our Data Lab, etc.

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(Published on 10 July 2024)

[Internship] European Project Assistant at Etcharry Formation Développement based in Ustaritz (64) to be recruited in September 2024 for a minimum period of 3 months.

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(Published on 9 July 2024)

[Call for applications] Research mission for Alliance for Education - United Way
Doctoral framework note, CIFRE scheme (3-year fixed-term contract. Studies in sociology, political science or education science.

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(Published on 4 July 2024)

[POST DOC] The médialab at Sciences Po is hiring a postdoc in computational social sciences to work with Jean-Philippe Cointet on the identification and characterization of biases in LLMs within a deliberative context. The position is part of a research project within the Digital Commons program funded by BPI in partnership with ISIR - Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique and Make.org. 

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(Published on 3 July 2024)

[Internship] Upian is looking for a Production Assistant (6 months, starting in September) 
Upian Productions is an internationally recognised magazine and documentary production company. As a pioneer, it has played an active part in the emergence of web documentaries in France and internationally. You'll be joining Upian's production team to find out about and help manage current projects, from conception to broadcast: writing briefs, organising shoots, editing and integrating content, monitoring post-production, researching and monitoring archive purchases, administrative and legal tasks, communication.

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(Published on 3 July 2024)

Sciences Po's School of Public Affairs is looking for a Teaching Assistant for a course entitled "Transitions and policies for ecosystems", taught in the first semester of 2024-2025 by Sébastien Treyer.

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(Published on 3 July 2024)

Sciences Po's School of Public Affairs is looking for a Teaching Assistant for a course entitled 'Energy Transition for Climate Mitigation and Socioeconomic Development', to be taught in the first semester of 2024-2025 by Inès Bouacida, Thomas Spencer and Nicolas Berghmans.

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(Published on 3 July 2024)

Sciences Po is hiring: Assistant Professor on Environmental Inequalities 
We're recuiting a full-time, Assistant Professor (tenure-track). Position beginning on January 1st 2025. The successful candidate will be affiliated to the Center for Research on social InequalitieS (CRIS). Candidates should have a PhD. This assistant professorship position is designed to reinforce and complement our expertise in the study of environmental inequalities. We welcome applications from candidates with a recent PhD in the social or environmental sciences and with an ambitious research agenda in the area of social stratification and inequality, targeting publications in leading disciplinary and interdisciplinary journals. All disciplines are welcome as far as the research has strong connections with the social sciences.

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(Published on 3 July 2024)

[POST DOC] Post Doctoral Research Fellow at Anglia Ruskin University 
Based in our School of Education and in the Centre for Education Research on Identities and Inequalities, your priority will be to undertake qualitative and quantitative research as part of the InterCare project. InterCare is a four-year long project, led by the Goethe University, Frankfurt, alongside Hochschule Niederrhein (Germany), the Jagiellonian University (Poland), and ARU. The successful candidate will be working with our international team to investigate the experience of young carers in education (18-30), with a view to better understanding how being a carer affects their education and wellbeing.

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(Published on 2 July 2024)

The Centre of History of Sciences Po (CHSP) is recruiting a tenure-track FNSP Assistant Professor (private status), a historian specialising in genocide and mass violence in 20th-century Europe in the broadest sense. The areas of research may cover the whole of the European continent as far as the Caucasus, with a particular but by no means exclusive focus on Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans.

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(Published on 27 June 2024)

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR in Political Science 
Profile: Immigration & Democracy / Political Theory The Center for Political Research at Sciences Po (CEVIPOF - Sciences Po), in collaboration with the Department of Political Science at Sciences Po, is recruiting an Assistant Professor specialized in Political Theory or Political Philosophy, with expertise in the theme "Immigration & Democracy."

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(Published on 27 June 2024)

PhD position at IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN) 
Social acceptability of decarbonisation solutions in Europe: implications for prospective modelling and long-term energy planning.

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(Published on 27 June 2024)

Sciences Po’s Department for Studies and Partnerships is seeking, for the Fall semester 2024-2025: A PhD student in 2024-2025, interested in a teaching assistant position for the introductory lecture course: “Ethics and Enhanced Democracy: Citizens' Assemblies and Responsible Deliberation”, taught in English by Professor Bernard Reber. This course is part of the Masters’ Common Academic Curriculum.

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(Published on 27 June 2024)

Sciences Po’s Department for Studies and Partnerships is seeking, for the Fall semester 2024-2025: One PhD student in 2024-2025, interested in a teaching assistant position for the introductory lecture course: “Social Inequalities in Western Countries: Institutional Origins and Political Consequences”, taught in English by Professor Carlo BARONE. This course is part of the Masters’ Common Academic Curriculum.

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(Published on 27 June 2024)

Sciences Po’s Department for Studies and Partnerships is seeking, for the Fall semester 2024-2025: A PhD student in 2024-2025, interested in a teaching assistant position for the introductory lecture course: “Democracy in Europe”, taught in English by Professors Jan ROVNY and Ronja SCZEPANSKI. This course is part of the Masters’ Common Academic Curriculum.

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(Published on 24 June 2024)

As part of the France 24 editorial team, you will be attached to the Arabic-language Magazines - Paris Secret program. Working closely with the specialist columnist, you'll help prepare and program the show.

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(Published on 24 June 2024)

[INTERNSHIP OFFER] IRIS - Institut de relations internationales et stratégiques RESEARCH ASSISTANT/CONTENT PRODUCTION 
The intern will have two types of missions: research assistance for the IRIS management team and participation in Pascal Boniface's communication activities, in particular through the production of his videos. 

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(Published on 13 June 2024)

[PhD contract offer] - CNRS Thesis recruitment (M/F) 
Cohabitation, dialogue and co-production of ecological knowledge in a "One Health" approach. This doctoral research involves assignments in Thailand. Their feasibility will be assessed according to the rules governing assignments at the CNRS.

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(Published on 13 June 2024)

The Law School's Research Centre is recruiting a postdoctoral researcher (18-month contract) to work as part of a team on the “Putting the DSA into Practice” project. Application deadline: June 26, 2024

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(Published on 13 June 2024)

[TEACHING ASSISTANT] The Law School Clinic is seeking a Teaching Assistant for its Human rights, Economic development and Globalization (HEDG) programme for the academic year 2024-2025. Deadline for applications: 28 June 2024.

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(Published on 12 June 2024)

Télérama is looking for a Cultural Partnerships Officer (F/H). Permanent position available from November 2024.

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(Published on 12 June 2024)

Research assistant - Welfare state at +4 degrees 
Reporting to Anne-Laure Beaussier and Tom Chevalier, you will be recruited as a research assistant for the project ‘Towards a welfare state at +4 degrees? Rethinking social protection in the light of environmental disasters’ (EP+4). Combining a comparative analysis of social policies and the sociology of climate risks and disasters, this project is looking at the arrangements for protecting against the social risks associated with environmental hazards linked to climate change in Europe.

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(Published on 10 June 2024)

Assist the IRIS management team in its various tasks: briefing notes on various geopolitical subjects, proofreading and editing articles, helping to update books, etc. The intern will also take part in the Unit's communication activities (video shooting, content creation, RS publications), in conjunction with the Communications Unit.

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