In an issue devoted to the challenging governance of finance, our researchers might have dwelled on reviewing and analyzing the financial crises in recent memory, […]
All projects need financing. The State, businesses and households can either finance projects with their own funds or loans. While loans used to be in […]
The memory of financial crises is a funny thing. The German hyperinflation of 1923 and the stock market crash of 1929 remain well-known references and […]
United States, 2008: “For Sale” signs cropped up in front of thousands of houses, becoming a symbol of almost forced household indebtedness. But as scandalous […]
Finance immediately brings to mind the banking system and financial markets. The insurance sector’s major role is often overlooked. It plays a major role because […]
Drawing on his research on the structure of remuneration in the financial industry and on a collective project underway studying the evolution of inequalities in […]