18 May 2020
Japanese Picture Brides at Angel Island in 1919. Crédit photo : Domaine public

Marriage Migration: Female Paths

by Hélène Le Bail, CERI* The migration of women through marriage is an old phenomenon, which renewed in the 1990s with international mobility. On the […]
18 May 2020

Gender Inequalities in Higher Education

By Ghazala Azmat, Department of Economics* In most OECD countries, women have surpassed men in college completion. On average, more than 50 percent of young […]
18 May 2020
Politiques des quotas d'égalité entre sexes . Crédits : Delpixel, Shutterstock

Are Quotas a Solution for Equality?

By Anne Revillard, OSC/LIEPP * Over the past few decades, gender equality policies have increasingly used quotas to promote women’s access to positions of power, […]
13 February 2020

Cogito 9

The analysis of democracy, its advances, its new forms, as well as threats to it, are the focus of this new Cogito. This issue also […]
13 February 2020
Tours - Manifestation des Gilets Jaunes - février 2019. Crédits image : GrandCelinien/ CC-BY-SA-3.0

The Dark Matter of Democracy, Origins of the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vests)

In his latest work, La matière noire de la démocratie, Luc Rouban, a researcher at the Centre for Political Research (CEVIPOF), puts forward the argument […]
13 February 2020

Informational Autocrats

Today’s autocrats are less cruel than yesterday’s dictators. Deportations, mass murders, re-education camps are no longer popular. Yet freedoms of thought and expression are blithely […]
13 February 2020
An old ibu (woman) sits among the ruins of her house in Pariaman, north of Padang, West Sumatra. Crédits image : US Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

No environmental economics without social justice

On September 18, 2019, 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg appeared before the U.S. House of Representatives. When asked to submit a written version of her […]
13 February 2020
BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA - APRIL 4: Colorful street art in Palermo Crédits : districtsunsinger/Shutterstock

Investigating Street Art in Latin America

Well known for his fine analysis of Latin American politics, Olivier Dabène (Full Professor, CERI) invites us to discover a great number of works of […]
13 February 2020
Dilemne moral - Crédits : Jorgen Mcleman via Shutterstock

Public Deontology: From Principles to Practices

The growing demand for deontology is affecting an increasing number of professions and missions, from politicians, civil servants and medical professions to journalists and scientists. […]