Faculty Directory

Romain Lachat

Affiliated to: Centre de recherches politiques de Sciences Po
Research Topics: Electoral behaviour, Public opinion, Comparative politics

Guillaume Lachenal

University Professor
Affiliated to: Médialab
Research Topics: Global health, Environment, Relations between human health, environmental change and global social and political issues

Denis Lacorne

Research Professor Emeritus
Affiliated to: Centre de recherches internationales
Research Topics: Political history, Urban violence and ethnic identity, Foreign policy, United States

Stéphane Lacroix

Associate Professor
Affiliated to: Centre de recherches internationales, Centre de recherches internationales
Research Topics: Islam, Middle East and politics

Thomas Lacroix

CNRS Research Director
Affiliated to: Centre de recherches internationales
Research Topics: Urban policies and city networks on migration and integration issues; global governance of international migrations; effects the pandemic of migration dynamics; moral geography of death in migrations.

Hugues Lagrange

CNRS emeritus Senior researcher
Affiliated to: Centre de recherche sur les inégalités sociales
Research Topics: Delinquency, Youth, Criminal policies, Immigration, Lifestyle, Segregation

Zaki Laïdi

Director of Research
Affiliated to: Centre de Recherches Politiques de Sciences Po, Centre d'études européennes et de politique comparée, Centre de recherches politiques de Sciences Po
Research Topics: Europe, Obama's foreign policy, Europe and the Arab Spring, Europe and the international system, Europe as risk-averse power, Energy solidarity in Europe

Gissela Landa

Affiliated to: Observatoire français des conjonctures économiques (OFCE)
Research Topics: Macroeconomic Modeling, Climate andEnvironmental Economics, Development Economics

Pierre Lascoumes

Affiliated to: Centre d'études européennes et de politique comparée (CEE)
Research Topics: Sociology of law, Public action, Corruption, Environment

Éloi Laurent

Affiliated to: Observatoire français des conjonctures économiques, Observatoire français des conjonctures économiques
Research Topics: Social-ecology, New indicators of well-being, Resilience and sustainability, Sustainable development, Territorial economy

Marc Lazar

Full Emeritus Professor
Affiliated to: Centre d'histoire de Sciences Po
Research Topics: Political history and sociology of Left in Europe, French political history and sociology (after WWII), Italian political history and sociology (after WWII), Political history and sociology of Populism in Europe, Political history ad sociology of political parties, History and Political science

Jeanne Lazarus

CNRS Research Director
Affiliated to: Centre de sociologie des organisations (CSO), Centre de sociologie des organisations, Centre de sociologie des organisations
Research Topics: Sociology of Bank, Consumption, Money

Emmanuel Lazega

Emeritus University Professor
Affiliated to: Centre de sociologie des organisations
Research Topics: Sociology of organizations, Economic sociology, Sociology of networks

Hélène Le Bail

Researcher, CNRS
Affiliated to: Centre de recherches internationales (CERI)
Research Topics: Migration policy, Gender and migration, Mobility in Asia (Japan, China), Migration and collective action

Sabine Le Bayon

Affiliated to: Observatoire français des conjonctures économiques
Research Topics: Germany, Euro area, Real estate

Patrick Le Bihan

Affiliated to: Centre de recherches politiques de Sciences Po
Research Topics: Electoral sociology and political behavior, , Political Economy, Elections, Political institutions

Patrick Le Galès

CNRS Research Professor of Sociology and Politics , Dean of Urban School of Sciences Po , Professor at Sciences Po, Fellow of the British Academy (FBA)
Affiliated to: Centre d'études européennes et de politique comparée, Centre d'études européennes et de politique comparée (CEE)
Research Topics: Public action, European Union, Local policy, Urban sociology, Public policies

Gilles Le Garrec

Affiliated to: Observatoire français des conjonctures économiques
Research Topics: Growth, Aging

Patrick Le Lidec

Affiliated to: Centre d'études européennes et de politique comparée
Research Topics: Public administration, Sociology of public action, Political sociology

Sandrine Lefranc

CNRS Research Director
Affiliated to: Centre d'études européennes et de politique comparée
Research Topics: International criminal justice ; Transitional justice ; Restorative justice ; Trials ; Victims of political violence ; Peacebuiding ; Collective memory ; Circulation of norms and expertise ; Sociology of international professions ; Transnational mobilizations

Frédérique Leichter-Flack

Full Professor
Affiliated to: Centre d'histoire de Sciences Po
Research Topics: Histoire des sensibilités morales, Humanités médicales, Littérature

Claire Lemercier

Affiliated to: Centre de sociologie des organisations, Centre d'histoire de Sciences Po (CHSP), Centre d'histoire de Sciences Po (CHSP), Centre d'histoire de Sciences Po (CHSP)
Research Topics: Historical sociology of economic institutions

Vincent Lépinay

Associate Professor
Affiliated to: Médialab
Research Topics: Digital humanities, Social theory, History and sociology of economy

Ulrike Lepont

CNRS Research Fellow
Affiliated to: Centre d'études européennes et de politique comparée
Research Topics: Public policies, Higher education, Sociology of public action, Economic policies, Health policies, Sociology of the State and of political institutions

Christian Lequesne

Full Professor
Affiliated to: Centre de recherches internationales (CERI)
Research Topics: Diplomatic Practices, especially diaspora and public diplomacies; French EU and Foreign Policy

Laurent Lesnard

Affiliated to: Centre de recherche sur les inégalités sociales, Centre de données socio-politiques de Sciences Po
Research Topics: Sociology of time, Quantitative methods, Qualitative and quantitative surveys, Family relationships, Lifestyle

Sandrine Levasseur

Affiliated to: Observatoire français des conjonctures économiques
Research Topics: Construction of European Union, Regional integration, Direct foreign investments, Housing, Budgetary policy, Euro, Labour markets, Monetary policy, Relocation

Annabelle Lever

University Professor
Affiliated to: Centre de recherches politiques de Sciences Po
Research Topics: Epistemic Democracy, Sexual and Racial Justice, Ethics of Security

Laurence Louër

Associate Professor
Affiliated to: Centre de recherches internationales
Research Topics: Islam, Palestine, Religion and politics, Saudi Arabia, Bahreïn, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Middle East

Emmanuelle Loyer

University Professor in History
Affiliated to: Centre d'histoire de Sciences Po
Research Topics: Cultural politics, Transfers/Cultural exchanges , Cultural history of knowledge, Exile/Emigration/Diasporas, History of anthropology, Litterature and history
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