Structural Seminar

The Structural Seminar* focuses on research that combines methodological and empirical components, with topics in industrial organisation, urban, labour and applied microeconomics. It invites leading international scholars in these fields to present their recent work and creates a forum to promote and exchange ideas. Faculty and students from all fields are welcome to the seminar. Individual meetings scheduled during the day provide further opportunity to engage with the speaker.
The Structural Seminar is bimonthly and held on Tuesdays, 12:30 - 1:45 pm.
Scientific organisers: Marleen MARRA and Junnan HE.
Administrative correspondent: Lucie DESMARAUT (email)
*NEW* If you would like to schedule an appointment with our guest speaker, register online (Google form)
*From Winter 2020 to Winter 2023, the seminar was called the Empirical IO / Microeconometrics Seminar.
Upcoming seminar
September 10th - Kate SMITH (LSE)
Distributional Effects of the European Energy Crisis
October 1st - Isis DURRMEYER (TSE)
The Welfare Consequences of Urban Traffic Regulations
October 15th - Joan MONRAS (UPF and BSE)
Floating Population: Migration with(out) Family and the Spatial Distribution of Economic Activity
November 5th - Nicolas ASTIER (PSE)
Riding Together: Eliciting Travelers' Preferences for Long-Distance Carpooling
November 19th - Maria Ana VITORINO (INSEAD)
Hospital Competition and Quality: Evidence from the Entry of the High-Speed Train in South Korea
December 3rd - Kwok Hao LEE (NUS)
Distributional Effects of Vehicle Ownership Restrictions
March 11th - Federico HUNEEUS (Duke University)
March 25th - Gabriel KREINDLER (Harvard)
April 8th - Naoki AIZAWA (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
May 6th - TBA
May 20th - Axel GOTTFRIES (University of Edinburgh)
June 3rd - Mo XIAO (University of Arizona Eller College of Management)
September 5th - Milena ALMAGRO (Chicago Booth)
Optimal Urban Transportation Policy: Evidence from Chicago
September 12th - Gabriel AHLFELDT (London School of Economics)
The Skyscraper Revolution: Global Economic Development and Land Savings
September 26th - Eric FRENCH (University of Cambridge)
Intergenerational Altruism and Transfers of Time and Money: A Life Cycle Perspective
October 10th - Bryan GRAHAM (University of California at Berkeley)
Scenario Sampling for Large Supermodular Games
*CANCELLED* November 14th - Denisa MINDRUTA (HEC Paris)
The Added Value of Women in the Board: Evidence from Two-Sided Matching under Gender Quota
November 28th - Sam ALTMANN (PSE)
Choice, Welfare, and Market Design: An Empirical Investigation of Feeding America’s Choice System
December 12th - Giulia BRANCACCIO (New York University)
Investment in Infrastructure and Trade: The Case of Ports
March 5th - Ao WANG (University of Warwick)
A BLP Demand Model of Product-Level Market Shares with Complementarity
March 19th - Daniel STURM (LSE)
Neighborhood Effects: Evidence from Wartime Destruction in London
April 2nd - Panle BARWICK (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Drive Down the Cost: Learning by Doing and Government Policy in the Global Electric Vehicle Battery Industry
*CANCELLED* April 30th - Che-Yuan LANG (University of Uppsala)
Taxes and Household Labor Supply: Estimating Distributional Effects of Nonlinear Prices on Multidimensional Choice
*POSTPONED* May 27th - Denisa MINDRUTA (HEC Paris)
The Added Value of Women in the Board: Evidence from Two-Sided Matching under Gender Quota
September 13th - Fabiano SCHIVARDI (LUISS University)
Are Executives in Short Supply? Evidence from Death Events
*exceptionally online*
September 27th - Giacomo CALZOLARI (European University Institute)
Artificial Intelligence, Algorithmic Recommendations and Competition
October 11th - Liyang SUN (CEMFI)
Empirical Welfare Maximization with Constraints
November 8th - Dmitry ARKHANGELSKY (CEMFI)
Double-Robust Two-Way-Fixed-Effects Regression For Panel Data
November 22nd - Laura GRIGOLON (University of Mannheim)
Stigma as a Barrier to Treatment and Adoption of Innovation
*CANCELLED* December 6th - Bryan GRAHAM (University of California at Berkeley)
February 21st - Alice MESNARD (City University of London)
Temporary Foreign Work Permits: Honing the Tools to Defeat Human Smuggling
March 7th - Cailin SLATTERY (Columbia University)
Market Structure and Political Influence in the Auto Retail Industry
March 21st - Gaurab ARYAL (Washinton University in Saint Louis)
Auctioning Annuities
*CANCELLED* April 4th - Juanma CASTRO-VINCENZI (Princeton)
Climate Hazards and Resilience in the Global Car Industry
May 9th - Alessandro IARIA (University of Bristol)
Identification and Estimation of Demand Models with Endogenous Product Entry
May 16th - Juanita GONZALEZ-URIBE (London School of Economics)
The Broader Impact of Venture Capital on Innovation: Reducing Entrepreneurial Constraints Through Due-Diligence
May 30th - Shuang ZHANG (Imperial College London)
Do Consumers Distinguish Fixed Cost from Variable Cost? “Schmeduling” in Two-Part Tariffs in Energy
September 14th - Kei KAWAI (Berkeley)
Using Bid Rotation and Incumbency to Detect Collusion: A Regression Discontinuity Approach
September 28th - Frank VERBOVEN (Leuven University)
Private Monopoly and Restricted Entry: Evidence from the Notary Profession
October 12th - Stéphane BONHOMME (Chicago)
Production and Collaboration in Networks: An Empirical Framework
November 9th - Jeremy FOX (Rice University)
Measuring the Welfare Gains from Cardinal-Preference Pseudomarkets in School Choice
November 23rd - Federico CILIBERTO (University of Virginia)
An Event Study Approach to Valuing Pharmaceutical Drugs
*FRIDAY* December 10th - Isabelle PERRIGNE (Rice University) and Quang VUONG (NYU)
Multidimensional Auctions of Contracts: An Empirical Analysis
*exceptional scheduling*
March 15th - Nikhil AGARWAL (MIT)
Demand Analysis under Latent Choice Constraints
March 29th - Nicholas PAPAGEORGE (John's Hopkins University)
Genetic Endowments, Income Dynamics, and Wealth Accumulation Over the Lifecycle
April 12th - Kevin WILLIAMS (Yale School of Management)
Organizational Structure and Pricing: Evidence from a Large U.S. Airline
May 10th - Suphanit PIYAPROMDEE (University College London)
The Minimum Wage Effects on Earnings and Sorting: A Wage-Mobility Discrete Type Approach
May 24th - Vishal KAMAT (Visiting Faculty on leave from Toulouse School of Economics)
Estimating Welfare Effects in a Nonparametric Choice Model: The Case of School Vouchers
September 22nd - Estelle CANTILLON (ULB, TSE)
What is price discovery achieving in the New Zealand electricity market ?
October 6th - Marc IVALDI (EHESS, TSE)
Platform Mergers: Lessons from a Case in the Digital TV Market
October 20th - Jaap ABBRING (Tilburg University)
Identifying Present-Biased Discount Functions in Dynamic Discrete Choice Models
November 3rd - Xavier D'HAULTFŒUILLE (CREST-ENSAE)
Estimating the Gains (and Losses) of Revenue Management
November 17th - André VEIGA (Imperial College Business School)
Quality Information and Competitive Selection in Health Care
December 1st - Michaela TINCANI (UCL)
How do beliefs shape the impacts of preferential admissions on student outcomes?
March 9th - George-Levi GAYLE (WUSTL)
What Accounts for the Racial Gap in Time Allocation and Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital?
March 23rd - Michael P. LEUNG (USC)
Network Cluster-Robust Inference
April 6th - Robin LUMSDAINE (AU)
Estimation of Panel Group Structure Models with Structural Breaks in Group Memberships and Coefficients
April 20th - Brad LARSEN (Stanford)
Dynamic Competition in the Era of Big Data
May 4th - Christian BONTEMPS (TSE, ENAC)
Price Competition and Endogenous Product Choice in Networks: Evidence from the U.S. Airline Industry
May 18th - Myrto KALPOUTSIDI (Harvard)
Search Frictions and Efficiency in Decentralized Transport Markets
June 1st - Katja SEIM (Yale)
Welfare Consequences of Nominal Excise Taxation
February 11th - Christina GUILDANI (TSE)
Identification and Inference in Discrete Choice Models with Imperfect Information
February 25th - Nathan MILLER (Georgetown University)
Oligopolistic Price Leadership and Mergers: The United States Beer Industry
*CANCELLED* March 10th - Michela TINCANI (UCL)
Incentive Effects of Preferential Admissions under Subjective Beliefs
*CANCELLED* March 24th - George-Levi GAYLE (Washington University at Saint Louis)
*POSTPONED* April 7th - Federico CILIBERTO (University of Virginia)
*POSTPONED* April 21st - Robin LUMSDAINE (American University)
*POSTPONED* May 5th - Quang VUONG (NYU) and Isabelle PERRIGNE (Rice University)
*POSTPONED* May 19th - Gregory CRAWFORD (University of Zurich)
*POSTPONED* May 25th - Jeremy FOX (Rice University)
*POSTPONED* June 2nd - Myrto KALOUPTSIDI (Harvard)
*POSTPONED* June 16th - Dan ACKERBERG (University of Texas at Austin)