Summer Workshop June 25 & 26th, 2018
The event is co-sponsored by Sciences Po, the Banque de France, with the financial support from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013 Grant Agreement no. 336748) for Nicolas Cœurdacier's ERC project INFINHET.
Co-organizers : Nicolas Cœurdacier (Sciences Po), Gaetano Gaballo (Banque de France), and Cyril Monnet (U. Bern)
Program of the workshop
Program of the 9th Summer Macro-Finance Workshop (PDF, 316 Ko)
Monday, June 25th, 2018
Location: Amphitheater Erignac, SciencesPo, 13 rue de l’Université, 75007 Paris.
9:00 Welcome and Coffee
09:30 Start of the workshop
Credit Markets and Asset Prices
09:30-10:30 Francois Geerolf (UCLA)
Asset Pricing without Risk Aversion
10:30-11:30 Gadi Barlevy (Chicago Fed)
On Interest Rate Policy and Asset Bubbles, joint with F. Allen and D. Gale
11:30 Coffee Break
11:45-12:45 Peter Kondor (LSE)
On the Origin of Core and Periphery Countries, joint with M. Farboodi
12:45-14:00 Buffet Lunch
Fiscal Policy
14:00-15:00 Axelle Ferriere (EUI)
The Heterogeneous Effects of Government Spending: It's All About Taxes, joint with Gaston Navarro
15:00-16:00 Sarolta Laczo (Queen Mary University)
Pareto-Improving Optimal Capital and Labor Taxes, joint with K. Greulich and A. Marcet
16:00 Coffee Break
19.30 Dinner
Location : La Petite Chaise, 36, rue de Grenelle, 75007 Paris.
Tuesday, June 26th, 2018
Location : Amphitheater Erignac, SciencesPo, 13 rue de l’Université, 75007 Paris.
Monetary Policy and Economic Fluctuations
09:30-10:30 Eric Mengus (HEC Paris)
Implicit Fiscal Guarantee for Monetary Stability, joint with G. Gaballo
10:30-11:30 Alp Simsek (MIT)
A Risk-Centric Model of Demand Recessions and Macroprudential Policy, joint with R. Caballero
11:30-11:45 Coffee Break
11:45-12:45 Claudio Michelacci (EIEF)
The extensive margin of aggregate consumption demand, joint with L. Paciello and A. Pozzi
12:45 Buffet Lunch
Previous workshops
Summer Workshop 2011 (PDF 55Ko)
Summer Workshop 2012 (PDF 28Ko)
Summer Workshop 2013 (PDF 53 Ko)
Summer Workshop 2014 (PDF 233 Ko)
Summer Workshop 2015 (PDF 654 Ko)