Infinhet Publications
Demographics, savings and capital flows
- Credit Constraints and Growth in a Global Economy, Nicolas Coeurdacier, Stéphane Guibaud and Keyu Jin (PDF, 1Mo), 2015, American Economic Review, Vol. 105/Issue 9, 2838-2881. Also CEPR DP 9109
- Fertility Policies and Social Security Reforms in China, Nicolas Coeurdacier, Stéphane Guibaud and Keyu Jin (PDF, 374Ko), 2014, IMF Economic Review, 62(3), 371-408.
- When Bonds Matter: Home Bias in Goods and Assets, Nicolas Coeurdacier, Ppierre-Olivier Gourinchas (PDF, 630Ko), 2016, Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol.82, 119-137.