17:00 19:00
Hosted by Center of European Studies and Comparative Politics, Center for International Studies and School of Publics Affairs.… Read more
Face-to-face event
European Integration and the War in Ukraine: Just Another Crisis?
with Tanja Börzel

Journal of Common Market Studies Annual Review – 2023 Lecture
Venue: Room Albert Sorel - Leroy Beaulieu, 27 rue Saint-Guillaume - 75007 Paris
As in previous crises, the EU has been coping with its first military security crisis by using its regulatory power to facilitate the joint exercise of fiscal and coercive power by the member states. Yet, the outcome of this crisis differs. It has not resulted in a strengthening of the EU’s regulatory powers as we have seen it in the Euro crisis. Unlike in the Covid-19 crisis, the member states have not been willing to give the EU more fiscal power to finance the financial assistance for Ukraine either. At the same time, intergovernmental cooperation has not been deadlocked by member states’ refusal of solidarity that has derailed joint decision-making in the Schengen crisis. The lecture will explore the extent to which the political mobilization of particular identity constructions related to questions of order rather than borders in framing the Ukraine crisis can help explain why member states have upgraded their common interest in supporting Ukraine without granting the EU additional power.
Tanja Börzel, Freie Universität Berlin
Theofanis Exadaktylos, University of Surrey
Florence Faucher, Sciences Po, CEE
Jan Rovny, Sciences Po, CEE & LIEPP
Christian Lequesne, Sciences Po, CERI
Organized by: CERI
15:30 17:30
Pour inaugurer le nouveau Programme Afrique de Sciences Po, s’ouvre un cycle de conférences « Littérature et sciences sociales en Afrique », animé par Elara Bertho (CNRS) et Elgas, sociologue et écrivain sénégalais.… Read more
Événement en présentiel
Cycle de conférences : Littérature et sciences sociales en Afrique 
L’ethnologie, la littérature et les barbelés spirituels des peuples dominés
Lieu : Amphithéâtre Leroy-Beaulieu-Sorel, 27 rue Saint-Guillaume - 75007 Paris
Pour inaugurer le nouveau Programme Afrique de Sciences Po, s’ouvre un cycle de conférences « Littérature et sciences sociales en Afrique », animé par Elara Bertho (CNRS) et Elgas, sociologue et écrivain sénégalais.
Le premier invité est Sami Tchak, écrivain togolais, pour son dernier roman : Le continent du Tout et du presque Rien (Editions Jean-Claude Lattès, 2021)
Discutant.e.s : 
Elara Bertho, CNRS - LAM & Programme Afrique Sciences Po
El Hadj Souleymane Gassama, dit Elgas, sociologue, journaliste et écrivain
Florence Bernault, Sciences Po – Centre d’Histoire

Responsable scientifique de l'événement : Richard Banégas, Sciences Po-CERI

Organized by: CERI