Home>Disability, Health and Human Development


Disability, Health and Human Development

About this event

20 November 2018 from 16:00 until 18:00

The Discriminations and Social Inequality Research Group is happy to invite you to the seminar : 

Disability, Health and Human Development

Tuesday November 20th 2018, 12:45 - 14:30
Room J210 - 13, rue de l'Université, 75007 Paris

Sandwiches will be served

Register here


Sophie Mitra

Professor of Economics at Fordham University, visiting professor at EHESS

Sophie Mitra will present her book "Disability, Health and Human Development"

Discussant: Célia Bouchet, PhD student in Sociology, OSC / LIEPP affiliate

About this event

20 November 2018 from 16:00 until 18:00