Louis Baktash

September, 2022 - December, 2022

PhD Candidate

University of Cambridge

Research Topics

French politics; British politics; regional policies; regional inequalities; electoral geography; electoral sociology; governance and decentralisation; transport policies.

Louis BaktashLouis Baktash in 2016 graduated from Sciences Po Paris with a degree in Social Sciences and from Paris-Sorbonne University with a degree in History. He then completed a master’s degree in Public Affairs from Sciences Po Paris and a Master’s degree in Management from HEC Paris. His Master’s thesis in political science focused on Euroscepticism and Brexit in English and Welsh coastal areas.

   Louis is now pursuing a PhD in Politics at the University of Cambridge under the supervision of Prof. Michael Kenny and works with the Bennett Institute for Public Policy. His thesis studies the impact of recent political realignments in France and in the United Kingdom on regional policies and policy-makers’ approach to place — with a particular focus on medium-sized towns, transport and infrastructure, and skills policies.


Research project.s you intend to pursue at the CEE:

Under the supervision of Colin Hay, Louis will work on French regional policies and how recent political events, including the Gilets jaunes movement, have changed French policy-makers’ relationship to place and territorial policies.

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