Paul-André Rosental

Paul-André Rosental is Professor of Contemporary History at Sciences Po and associate researcher at the Institut National d’Etudes Démographiques (INED). He specialises in the history and social policy of populations (demography policies, social and sanitary policies), an area in which he directs the research team Esopp. At Sciences Po’s Center for European Studies, and in association with the Center for History, he directs the ERC Senior Advanced Grant “From silicosis to silica hazards” (the SILICOSIS project), which combines the disciplines of history, medicine and the social sciences. The author of numerous articles, book contributions and other publications, Paul-André Rosental has also edited a number of special issues of academic journals, including with Regula Argast, “Eugenics after 1945.”  Journal of Modern European History, 10 (4) in 2012 and  “Health and Safety at Work. A Transnational History”, Journal of Modern European History 7, 2009, 2. 

Key publications (in French and English)

  • (In French) Cavalin, Catherine, Vincent, Michel, Rosental, Paul-Andre. "Risques liés à la silice cristalline : avérés ou non encore connus ? Doutes et recherche de preuves sur des maladies professionnelles et environnementales". Environnement, risques et santé. 2013.
  • (In French) Rosental, Paul-André. “Les guerres du poumon. La cigarette ou l’ignorance distribuée" (PDF, 256Ko) La vie des idées. [online], 30 January 2013.
  • (In English) Rosental, Paul-André. "Expertise and the evolution of private law: The case of occupational illness in twentieth-century France". In Lobban, Michael et Moses, Julia (dir.). The impact of Ideas on Legal Development. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012, p. 244-264.
  • (In English) "How International Organisations Compete: Occupational Safety and Health at the ILO, a Diplomacy of Expertise", Journal of Modern European History, 2009, 2, p. 173-194 (with Thomas Cayet & Marie Thébaud-Sorger).
  • "Before abestos, silicosis. Death from occupational disease in twentieth century France" (PDF, 575Ko), Population and societies, n° 437, 9, 2007.
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