3 July 2020

Artificial Intelligence: What Revolution Are We Talking About?

by Virginie Tournay, CEVIPOF* The prominence of digital technology and algorithms in collective life is often analyzed from a technological, organizational and economic perspective; but […]
3 July 2020

How Voters Respond to Crime Control Policies

by Roberto Galbiati, Department of economics* Many democratically elected governments around the world are probably wondering how voters will respond to the policies they implemented […]
3 July 2020

This Peculiar Epidemic is a Happiness Disease…

In his book Les maladies du bonheur [Happiness diseases] published last March, Hugues Lagrange, an emeritus CNRS research director at the Observatory of Social Change […]
3 July 2020

ELIPSS: Portrait of the French Under Lockdown

When it decreed a lockdown for social distancing on 16 March 2020, the French government made a decision that was about to disrupt our everyday […]
3 July 2020

The Long End of Slavery in the Maghreb

While the end of slavery has been the subject of much research, its history is so diverse and complex that many of its dimensions remain […]
1 July 2020

How Private international Law Reveals our Relationship to the Other

How does private international law structure and reveal our relationship to alterity? How does this discipline, which may appear to be far-removed from both national […]