Digital Sovereignty

The expression “digital sovereignty” seems to refer to the capacity of States to ensure that their rules are respected by the various actors in the online world. In this respect, this notion expresses the difficulties that States sometimes face in exercising their traditional functions in the face of powerful transnational actors with an indisputable technological lead. These difficulties are all the more important as States are sometimes dependent on these actors, because they need technological services (such as cloud computing) to perform their public functions. Thus, the expression “digital sovereignty” unquestionably has a legal aspect, since it refers to the prerogatives of the State and its ability to regulate contemporary technological giants. But it also has an economic and industrial aspect, in that it reflects the need to catch up with a technological gap that places Europe and France in a situation of dependence.

This thematic dossier is therefore dedicated to the different aspects of digital sovereignty, which concern both the exercise of state prerogatives in cyberspace and the question of technological independence, also known as “strategic autonomy”. This dossier also deals with the issue of “data sovereignty”, which refers to the need to maintain control over data as a form of strategic asset.

Additional contributions are available on the French version of this page.

9 May 2022

[REPLAY] Is Europe fit for the Digital Age?

On 7th April 2022, Florence G’sell, Directior of the Digital, Governance and Sovereignty Chair took part in the event “Is Europe […]
1 March 2022

[INTERVIEW] Is the Russian “splinternet” a possible scenario? 3 questions to Asma Mhalla

by Florence G’sell 1/ Does Russia have the technical means to exercise complete sovereign power over its telecommunications network, and […]
23 September 2021

[INTERVIEW] States’ sovereignty threatened by digital platforms, with Dominique BOULLIER

Following the publication of his research paper entitled “The power of digital platforms, territories and sovereignty“, Dominique Boullier, university professor […]
9 June 2021

[REPLAY] Digital sovereignty from an economic perspective, webinar with Sarah GUILLOU

On May 17th, the Chair hosted Sarah Guillou for a webinar presenting her policy brief (FRENCH) entitled “French digital sovereignty […]
9 June 2021

[RESEARCH PAPER] Puissance des plateformes numériques, territoires et souverainetés, by Dominique Boullier

Article translated in English, to see the original version in French click here : “Western governments seem to ask more […]
22 December 2020

[INTERVIEW] Investigating the economic roots of digital sovereignty, with Sarah GUILLOU

What are the economic factors that support the digital sovereignty of a country? Are the “digital champions” really essential for […]
13 August 2020

[ARTICLE] Covid-19 has made Europe’s technological dependence on the US clearer than ever

by Rachel Griffin Long before the pandemic, big tech companies provided much of the vital infrastructure for the world economy, […]
13 August 2020

[INTERVIEW] Taxing Big Tech and reclaiming sovereignty: 3 questions to Nicola BILOTTA

Nicola Bilotta is currently a researcher at the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), where he works on international political economy, digital […]
3 February 2020

[REPLAY] 2019 Annual Conference on Digital Sovereignty

On November 20, 2019, the Chair Digital, Governance and Sovereignty held its annual conference hosted by the Sciences Po Paris […]