Home>Turkey – EU | Common challenges and targets for the post-Covid world
Turkey – EU | Common challenges and targets for the post-Covid world
About this event
04 May 2021 from 19:00 until 20:15
PSIA and the Institut du Bosphore present:
Turkey – EU | Common challenges and targets
for a more inclusive and greener post-Covid world
Tuesday 4 May 2021, 17:00 - 18:15 CET
Open to members of the Sciences Po community: please register online to attend
- Jacques Rupnik, Research Professor, Sciences Po-CERI; PSIA faculty member
- Füsun Türkmen, Professor and Chair, Department of International Relations, Galatasaray University & Scientific Committee Member, Institut du Bosphore
- Bahadir Kaleagasi, President, Institut du Bosphore
This event is co-organized with Institut du Bosphore and on this occasion, we will be pleased to announce the three winners of the annual "Sciences Po-Bosphorus Prize for Best Student Paper". The winners will be announced by Mark Maloney, Acting Dean and Executive Director, Sciences Po PSIA and Livio Manzini, Vice President, Institut du Bosphore.
Biographies of the speakers
Jacques Rupnik was educated at the University of Paris I-Sorbonne and at Harvard; currently Research Professor at CERI-Sciences Po in Paris as well as visiting professor at the College of Europe in Bruges. Since he joined CERI, Sciences Po in 1982 he has been writing and lecturing about the history and politics of East-Central Europe the Balkans aa well as European integration. He was advisor to president Vaclav Havel in the 1990’s. Executive director of the International Commission for the Balkans, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (1995-1996) and drafter of its report Unfinished Peace (1996); member of the Independent International Commission on Kosovo (1999-2000) and co-drafter of The Kosovo Report (Oxford UP, 2000). Among the various positions held: advisor to the European Commission (2007 – 2010). Member of the board of the Institute for Historical Justice and Reconciliation in The Hague 2010-2017. Member of the board of directors of the European Partnership for Democracy in Brussels (2008-2013). Member of the Board of the Vaclav Havel Library in Prague since 2011. He has been a visiting Professor at several European universities and at Harvard.
Jacques Rupnik’s publications include The Other Europe (1989), Le Printemps tchécoslovaque 1968 (1999), Les Banlieues de l’Europe, les politiques de voisinage de l’UE, Presses de Sciences Po, (2007), 1989 as a Political World Event: Democracy, Europe and the new international system, with an introduction by V. Havel, London, Routledge, (2014), Géopolitique de la démocratization, l’Europe et ses voisinages, Presses de Sciences Po (2014), Europe at the Crossraods: Democracy, neighbourhoods, migrations, Prague, Vaclav Havel Library (2018), Senza il muro, l’Europa et il mondo dopo il crollo del communismo, Rome, Donzelli (2019).
Füsun Türkmen is Professor and Chair, Department of International Relations at Galatasaray University. A graduate of The George Washington University, she has obtained her Ph.D at the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, before joining The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) as an international civil servant. Since 1999 she has been teaching the subjects of human rights, international organizations and US foreign policy at Galatasaray University. She is a Salzburg Seminar Fellow, former Executive Committee member of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) where she has also chaired the Research Committee on Human Rights and served as the Program Co-Chair of the 2018 IPSA World Congress of Political Science. Currently, she is member of the Scientific Committee of Institut du Bosphore (Paris Bosphorus Institute), member of the Advisory Board of the Global Relations Forum, President of the Turkish Political Science Association and President of the International Network of the Senghor Chairs for Francophony (Réseau International des Chaires Senghor de la Francophonie).
Set aside her publications in Turkish, she is the author of articles in English on Turkey-Europe and Turkey-US relations, book chapters on US foreign policy, and the editor/author of L’Europe-puissance et la Turquie (2006), Turquie, Europe: Le retour des nationalismes ? (2010), Vingt Ans de Changement en Turquie : 1992-2012, avec Jean Marcou (2013).
Dr Bahadir Kaleagasi is President of the Bosphorus Institute (Paris–Istanbul) and lecturer at the Galatasaray University on the international economic relations, sustainable development, and the European integration. He is also Brussels Energy Club’s Honorary President, scientific member of the Brussels University’s Institute of European Studies and board or advisory member in several institutions, including the ECFR-European Council on Foreign Relations, The Atlantic Council, Argüden Governance Academy, Global Relations Forum, Kalangos Foundation, Yanindayiz/HeForShe, Women on Board Association, Forum Istanbul, Berlin Bosphorus Initiative…
Graduate of Brussels and Istanbul Universities, he was a researcher and lecturer in the Center for International & Strategic Studies and the Institute for European Studies of the University of Brussels, rapporteur for projects of the European Commission’s Forward Studies Unit and the intergovernmental conferences which prepared the Maastricht Treaty in 1992 and was visiting researcher to Harvard, Georgetown, and Jerusalem Universities. His academic work covered the areas of the EU’s decision-making system, transatlantic relationship, and the international economic relations.
He also served as counselor for various public and private institutions before joining TÜSIAD (Turkish Industry & Business Association) in 1995 as EU Representative in Brussels and by 2007 as International Coordinator establishing and supervising representative offices and networks in Washington DC, Paris, Berlin, London, Beijing, Shanghai, Silicon Valley/San Francisco and Dubai/Gulf. Between 2016 and 2020 he served as Board Member and CEO of TÜSIAD as well as member of BusinessEurope’s Executive Committee (The Confederation of European Business) in Brussels and delegate for Business@OECD and B20/Global Business Coalition.
He regularly contributes as speaker to international conferences, executive and academic seminars and media programs on the global trends, international/intercultural relations, business and investment strategy and the SDGs (sustainable development goals).
Bahadir Kaleagasi is author of several articles and books on the international relations and European affairs. His latest books are “Youth’s Questions on Europe”, “The Planet G20” and “Changing World and Turkey”.
Photo credit (c)Shutterstock/vchal