Nicolas Cœurdacier, nominated

for the prestigious “Meilleur Jeune Économiste” 2016 award
  • Nicolas CoeurdacierNicolas Coeurdacier

Inspired by the American Economic Association’s John Bates Clark Medal, Le Monde, French daily, and the Cercle des économistes, created the prize in 2000, with a twofold objective: to highlight the work of France’s best young economists (under 41) who have contributed significantly to economic thought and knowledge and to make better known the multiple facets of economic science.

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Summer Workshop June 25 & 26th, 2018

International Finance and Macro Finance
  • Amphitheatre at Sciences PoAmphitheatre at Sciences Po

The Department of Economics hosts the Summer Workshop in Macro-finance and International Finance at Sciences Po. The event is co-sponsored by Sciences Po, the Banque de France and the European Research Council.

If you would like to attend please contact Sandrine Le Goff for free registration.

  • Date: Mon, 2018/06/25 - 09:00 - Tue, 2018/06/26 - 14:30
  • Location: Sciences Po, 13 rue de l'Université 75007 Paris - Amphitheatre Erignac
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Credit Constraints and Growth in a Global Economy

New publication
  • PublicationPublication

We show that in an open-economy OLG model, the interaction between growth differentials and household credit constraints—more severe in fast-growing countries—can explain three prominent global trends: a divergence in private saving rates between advanced and emerging economies,large net capital outflows from the latter, and

INFINHET website

Now online
  • Actualité Sciences PoActualité Sciences Po

The INFINHET team is delighted to announce the launch of our new website.

Visit us to find out more about the project, our research, partners and publications. We will post regular updates on publications and other activities related to the project.

Don’t hesitate to contact us at

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Fertility Policies and Social Security Reforms in China

Latest publication
  • PublicationsPublications

This paper analyzes the impact of relaxing fertility controls and expanding social security in China. We develop an overlapping generations model in which fertility decisions and capital accumulation are endogenously determined in the presence of social security. In our model, children are an alternative savings technology—as they transfer resources to their retired parents. Important feedback links arise between fertility and social security variables: an expansion of social security benefits reduces fertility—partially offsetting the effects of relaxing the one-child policy.

Summer Workshop, July 2-3, 2015

International Finance & Macro Finance
  • L'amphithéâtre Boutmy de Sciences PoL'amphithéâtre Boutmy de Sciences Po

The event is co-sponsored by Sciences Po, the Wisconsin School of Business, the Banque de France and the European Research Council.

If you would like to attend please contact Leila Brunoir for free registration

Date: Thu, 2015/07/02 and Fri, 2015/07/03 - 09:00 - 18:00

Location: Sciences Po, 13 rue de l'Université, 75007 Paris - Room ERIGNAC

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