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Non-academic JM placements
Where are our latest graduates of our PhD Programme ?
Young doctors tend to consider careers in academia as a 'natural' job market but this is too narrow a viewpoint of what career opportunities a PhD in Economics has to offer.
Yes, our PhD programme does train top economists who seek to pursue university and academic careers in France or abroad but it also prepares them for careers requiring high-level doctoral training: in international organisations, think tanks, research institutions, government agencies, banks, and insurance companies.
The five 2023 graduates we are highlighting here chose not to head onto the international job market (or at least not yet).
We are proud to announce that they have all secured fantastic, relevant positions in prestigious institutions!
Moritz HENGEL is working at the European Centre for Algorithmic Transparency (ECAT) of the European Union Commission. He is an inspector into algorithms on big platforms.
Moritz defended his doctoral dissertation entitled The Political Economy News Production and Consumption in France, under the supervision of Julia Cagé, in the Fall of 2023.
To learn more about Moritz HENGEL and his research, consult his website
Samuel DELPEUCH is working as an Economist at the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). He is working in the team in charge of the implementation and of the impact assement of the "2-Pillar Solution" aimed at reducing base erosing and profit shifting by multinational firms at the OECD's Centre for Tax Policy and Administration.
He will soon defend his PhD thesis entitled Globalization's New Faces, under the supervision of Thierry Mayer.
To learn more about Samuel DELPEUCH and his research, consult his website
Dorian HENRICOT is working as an economist at the European Central Bank (ECB). He is working in the Monetary Analysis Division, the team in charge of assessing monetary policy transmission across credit and money markets.
Dorian will be defending his doctoral dissertation this Fall on the topic of Essays on Macroprudential and Monetary Policy, thesis supervised by Nicolas Cœurdacier.
Gustave KENEDI will be joining the Centre for Economic Performance (CEP), a research centre of the London School of Economics (LSE), as a Postdoctoral Research Economist this Fall. Gustave is part of the Education and Skills team, and will be contributing to the CEP's work on educational inequalities and social mobility.
Gustave will soon be defending his doctoral dissertation entitled Intergenerational Social Mobility : Measurement, Mechanisms and Policy, PhD thesis supervised by Pierre-Philippe Combes.
To learn more about Gustave KENEDI and his research, consult his website
Marco PALLADINO will be working as a Research Economist at the Banque de France coming this Fall. He will be studying the causes and consequences of structural changes impacting the labour market, with a specific emphasis on two primary research areas: firstly, he will assess the effects of policies that regulate employment contracts (fixed-term contracts vs. open-ended) and secondly, he will investigate the dynamics of wage inequalities in France.
Marco is completing his doctoral thesis entitled Essays on Labor Market Dynamics, under the supervision of Pierre Cahuc.
To learn more about Marco PALLODINO and his research, consult his website
Pierre VILLEDIEU is working at the Statistical Service of the French Ministry of Labour (the Direction de l’animation de la recherche, des études et des statistiques - Dares) as Deputy Head of the department in charge of the occupational analysis of the labor market and the employment of disabled workers. His role is to supervise studies conducted within the department, including those related to labour market tensions, job attractiveness and its evolution, as well as public policies related to the employment of disabled persons.
Pierre is completing a doctoral dissertation entitled Discrimination on the Labour Market, under the supervision of Pierre Cahuc.
To learn more about Pierre VILLEDIEU and his research, consult his website
Previous graduate students have chosen these alternative, challenging career paths:
Tyler ABBOT defended his thesis entitled 'Heterogeneous Risk Preferences: Theory and Empirics' under the supervision of Nicolas CŒURDACIER on July 1st, 2019.
His dissertation studies heterogeneous risk preferences in an incomplete financial market. He finds testable implications about leverage cycles, the equity risk premium, and asset prices. In addition, the model provides a micro-foundation for stochastic volatility and the volatility smile. The tools he uses include continuous time stochastic control, numerical partial differential equations, and martingale methods.
Research interests:
Mean Field Games, Mathematical Finance, Stochastic Calculus, Non Linear Filtering
Since graduation, Tyler ABBOT is working as a quantitative researcher at Squarepoint Capital (London), working on the intraday strategies team.
More about Tyler ABBOT and his research
Etienne FIZE defended his thesis entitled "Three Essays in Political Economy" under the supervision of Emeric HENRY on June 25th, 2019.
His thesis aims at studying the role of information and provides three examples illustrating the effect of information restrictions. The information set an agent has can be restrained by the availability of news, the bias of the news he has access to and finally by the social experiences the individual has faced. In the first chapter, he looks at the effect of a shock in information availability on late XIX and early XXth century trade flows. The second chapter documents the consequences on the agenda setting and bias of newspapers after a private acquisition of the media. The last chapter is an evaluation of the end of the mandatory military service on political participation.
Research interests :
Political Economy, Media Economics, Trade, Microeconomics, Behavioural Economics
Since graduation, Etienne FIZE is working as an economist at the Conseil d'Analyse Économique (Paris), producing Policy Notes for the French government on various economic issues and that are available to the general public.
More about Etienne FIZE and his research
Arthur GUILLOUZOUIC-le-CORFF defended his thesis entitled 'Local Public Goods and the Geography of Economic Activity', under the supervision of Emeric HENRY, on July 2nd, 2019.
His thesis focuses on two mechanisms that generate spatial heterogeneity in the production of local public goods and their implications for local economic activities. In the first case studied the public good is technological knowledge and in particular the creation of local networks of innovators which condition knowledge-sharing in space. In the second case the thesis looks at the influence of the unequal spatial distribution of a public service on the distribution of economic activity.
Research interests :
Economics of Innovation, Public Economics and Urban Economics
Since graduation Arthur GUILLOUZOUIC-le-CORFF is working as a research economist at the Institut des politiques publiques (IPP), a joint research centre between the Paris School of Economics (PSE) and CREST with a focus on quantitative policy evaluation and public economics. He works primarily on topics related to corporate taxation, innovation policy, and household taxation.
More about Arthur GUILLOUZOUIC-le-CORFF and his research
Lucas VERNET defended his thesis entitled 'Four Essays on Economic Networks', under the supervision of Alfred GALICHON, on January 24th, 2019.
His dissertation lies at the intersection of two fields of research in economics that have recently substantially developed: on the one hand, the modeling and study of economic networks, and on the other hand, transport theory and its applications in economics. Four chapters present theoretical results in relation with these two topics and put stress on their connections. The first chapter models bipartite contracts on a decentralized market as an equilibrium flow problem. We prove the existence of a competitive equilibrium outcome and discuss its effciency. We interpret this equilibrium in the case of indivisible commodities. As an illustration, we build a model for the overnight interbank loan market with counterparty risk and collateralization costs. In the second one, we prove a monotone comparative statics theorem that we then apply to several classical economic models (matching models, min-cost flow problems and hedonic models). The third chapter presents tools to solve for matching problems on large geographic networks before applying them to examples. Finally, the fourth chapter shows how a monopolistic insurer can use externalities between agents - modeled as a network - to maximize his profit. We show that a monopolistic insurer decreases the welfare of all agents.
Research interests :
Matching Theory, Social and Economic Networks and Financial Economics
Since graduation, Lucas VERNET is an economist at the Banque de France.
More about Lucas VERNET and his research
Max VISKANIC defended his thesis entitled 'Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail? The impact of immigration on Public Spending, Voting and Social Change', under the supervision of Roberto GALBIATI on October 17th, 2019.
His PhD Thesis analyses in three chapters the electoral and behavioural responses of natives’ interactions with immigrants and refugees. The first chapter analyses the impact of a relatively large and homogeneous shock of Polish immigrants in the United Kingdom and what impact said shock had on the Brexit vote in 2016. He finds that Polish migration to the United Kingdom has increased voting for Brexit, but not enough to sway the vote for Leave. In order to achieve exogenous variation in the allocation of Polish immigrants he relies on the formation of migrant networks close to War Resettlement Camps created for Polish soldiers after WWII, which he collected from the National Archives. In the second, he uses the dismantlement of the illegal migrants camp close to Calais and the subsequent redistribution of migrants to study the impact to the exposure to few migrants over a short amount of time. He finds that the exposure to few migrants decreases the voting for the Front National (France’s Extreme right party), but that this effect dissipates if large migrant groups are resettled. In this case contact as well as relative group size play an important role in explaining native’s reactions to migrants. In the last chapter he analyses the impact of the refugee crisis on the demand and supply of politics in Italy. He shows that the opening of small reception centres for migrants in Italy have decreased voting for the extreme right, decreased hate crimes against immigrants as well as increased votes for left wing parties. The effects are mostly driven by municipalities, which are less connected to the internet. This shows the differential amplification effect digital media can have vis-a-vis traditional media. Furthermore, he finds that mayors from extreme right wing parties close and are less likely to open reception centres than other politicians, rationally reacting to their decreased political support.
Research interests :
Behavioural Economics and Political Economics using tools in Applied Econometrics.
Since graduation, Max VISKANIC is working as a policy/political advisor at the European Parliament for an MEP from the RENEW EUROPE Group.
Our partners
Institutional partnerships for research and innovation
- Banque de France
- The CORE Project
- The Kellen Foundation
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