Expanding the Canon: Political ideas from Non-professional Thinkers

Expanding the Canon: Political ideas from Non-professional Thinkers

Workshop le 18 avril 2023
9h30-17h30 - Format hybride - Salle B 108 - 1 ST d'Aquin
  • Mentalmind @ShutterstockMentalmind @Shutterstock

Workshop Supported by the CEVIPOF and the ANR Project THEOVAIL

Organizers: Antoine Aubert, Samuel Hayat, Camille Ternier, Mathijs van de Sande, Nicolai von Eggers 

Argument - Since their emergence as disciplines, whether in departments of history, political science or philosophy, political theory and the history of political thought have traditionally focused on the great authors. Their texts are sometimes described as the "canon" of political thought (Stuurman 2000), a term that indicates what this approach owes to theology. What has sometimes been called the "new" history of ideas (Skornicki and Tournadre-Plancq 2015; Bonin and Dupuis-Déri 2019), inspired by the Cambridge school of the history of ideas, Begriffgeschichte, gender and postcolonial studies, the Marxist or Bourdieusian social history of ideas, or by comparative/global political theory, has considerably broadened the scope of relevant texts. It is not uncommon for political theorists and historians of ideas to focus on lesser-known authors and controversies than on the individual works of a handful of great thinkers... Read more (PDF, 155Ko)

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