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Sciences Po archives

Research Support
The Archives Department (FR) offers personalised services for researchers.
An interview can be arranged upon request to discuss research avenues based on your bibliography, list of sources, and summary of the research topic.
Contact us by e-mail so that we can point you towards the appropriate archive collections at Sciences Po and other institutions.
Find out more: Archival resources (FR)
Contact: departement.archives@sciencespo.fr
Support for archiving your documents
The Archives Department (FR) can help you archive your documents and, under certain conditions, preserve your research archives (quantitative and qualitative studies, methodology, etc.) to make them available for future research.
Contact us by email to make an appointment.
We can assist you throughout the process by appraising your archives, helping you sort them, explaining how to entrust your archives to us, and making them accessible.
Contact : odile.gaultiervoituriez@sciencespo.fr