Home>Using the library>Consultations and loans>Access to electronic resources
Access to electronic resources

The Sciences Po library offers access to:
- Over 422,000 electronic books
- Over 36,000 academic journals
- And nearly 7,300 other types of publications (theses, dissertations, etc.) and videos
Are they available to everyone?
- All readers registered with the library can access digital resources* on the Sciences Po campuses (local access)
- In order to meet our contractual obligations with electronic content providers, remote access to digital resources is only available to students, researchers, professors and staff
- Associate researchers: the request for remote access rights must be made by the host research center to Sciences Po's IT services.
- External readers (including alumni) are not eligible for remote access.
Find out more >> Library access
Where can I find them?
- Electronic resources are referenced and accessible from the library catalog, with the exception of press databases, legal databases, statistical databases and videos
Find out more >> How to use the catalogue
The list of electronic resources is available in the tab above the catalog search bar
Digital resources by subjecT
- The main digital resources are available in each of the Subject Guides
- Access by subject is possible from the electronic resources list.
Special cases of access to resources
- Some databases require you to create a personal account: ProQuest EBC, Financial Times, Lexis 360, New York Times, the médiathèque numérique Arte, Tënk
- Others have restricted access (contact us) : Geneanet, Global arbitration review, Lesbiographies.com, NewsTank éducation, Orbis …
These resources are not always open to external readers. Please contact us before coming to the Sciences Po library.
Good practices
- Log in to the library catalogue
- For local access, you must connect to the 'Sciences Po' or 'Sciences Po Secure' Wi-Fi network
- For remote access to subscribed electronic content, you must use the catalogue
- Use the Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome browsers
- Optimise your search by regularly clearing your browser's cache and cookies
- Disable VPN when consulting electronic resources
- Window blockers and antivirus software can prevent access to digital content
- Never give out your Sciences Po login details
Terms of use
- Use of the resources is restricted to administrative, teaching and research activities.
- Authorized readers have the right to view on screen, print it or download information for reasonable, non-commercial and strictly personal use, in accordance with the terms and conditions of each platform.
- All users are responsible for their use of electronic documentary resources. They undertake not to carry out operations that could harm the whole of the Community (such as abusive downloading, text mining* ) and that could lead to the sudden interruption of the service of the information provider or producer.
- In the event of misuse, the reader account may be suspended.
Do you need help?
Contact us :

Or come and see us, no appointment necessary:
- Anna Couthures Idrizi, Every Thursday from 1.30 to 4.30 pm, research library
- Nadège Fossey, Every Friday from 9am to 12pm, research library
- Marie Mittelette, Every Tuesday from 3pm to 4.30pm, 1, Saint-Thomas, Every Wednesday from 12pm to 1.30pm, research library
- Hélène Robin, Every Tuesday from 4.30pm to 7.30pm, 27, Rue Saint Guillaume