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Un débat à l’occasion de la sortie de l'ouvrage "Revising the Arab Uprising" dirigé par Stéphane Lacroix et Jean-Pierre Filiu… Lire la suite

Débat à l’occasion de la parution de l’ouvrage Revisiting the Arab Uprisings. The Politics of a

Revolutionary Moment, dirigé par Stéphane Lacroix et Jean-Pierre Filiu

C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd (November 2018), Coll. CERI: Comparative Politics and International Studies Series


Avec Jean-Pierre Filiu, Sciences Po-CERI-PSIA

Stéphane Lacroix, Sciences Po-CERI-PSIA

Luis Martinez, Sciences Po-CERI


Revisiting the Arab Uprisings. The Politics of a Revolutionary Moment
Stéphane Lacroix et Jean-Pierre Filiu (dir.)

Since 2013, the Middle East has experienced a double trend of chaos and civil war, on the one hand, and the return of authoritarianism, on the other. That convergence has eclipsed the political transitions that occurred in the countries whose regimes were toppled in 2011, as if they were merely footnotes to a narrative that naturally led from an ‘Arab Spring’ to an ‘Arab Winter’.



Entretien avec Jean-Pierre Filiu et Stéphane Lacroix

Responsable scientifique : Jean-Pierre Filiu et Stéphane Lacroix

Organisé par : CERI
Évènement en english