By Didier Bigo How to assess the counterterrorism policies implemented abroad to prevent attacks on French soil? These policies emerged during George W. Bush Junior’s […]
By Chiara Ruffa As conflicts change and evolve, there is one fundamental tool of multilateralism that does not wane: United Nations (UN) peacekeeping. Symbolised by […]
By Adam Baczko Contrary to the common perception of wars as lawless spaces, international norms influence the practices of warring parties. While prosecutions by international […]
South Africa, former Yugoslavia, Rwanda, post-communist Eastern Europe, post-dictatorship Latin America …: since the 1990s, many countries have had to negotiate a transition from violent […]
After his reference book on the relationship between religion and politics in the French Revolution(1)Lucien Jaume, Le religieux et le politique dans la Révolution française. […]
In his book, La bienveillance dans les relations internationales. Un essai politique (CNRS Editions, January 2022), Frédéric Ramel sets out to examine and analyse international […]
A recent PhD graduate of Sciences Po, Sofia Wickberg was awarded the #StopCorruption association prize for her analysis of anti-corruption policies. She has come back […]
Why look at the links between gender and climate? What are the links between gender systems and climate change in the policies of international development […]
An Untold Story It is clear that the great modern political theories are closely intertwined with environmental issues. However, this dimension has been underexplored in […]