Cogito, Research Letter, n°2

Cogito, Research Letter, n°2

Electoral Studies, Cities, Environment..
  • Le 1er mai 2012, défilé du Front National. Crédits Blandine Le CainLe 1er mai 2012, défilé du Front National. Crédits Blandine Le Cain

In an election year full of twists, an overview of our work on elections – a central and foundational research subject at Sciences Po – was in order. This issue sheds light and encourages reflection on topics covering the sociology of the electorate, role of the media, voters’ assessment of polices, confidence in our elected officials and our institutions, electoral conditions beyond our borders, etc.

By presenting our recent notable publications, projects and theses, this second issue of Cogito also tackles other key matters shaping our vision of the future, including the environment, inequalities, urban transformation, state reform, and European vitality.



In Folio: Recent Publications

Kick-off: new contracts

Rising stars: PhD students & young researchers

Unexpected: Odd data

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