The Climate Negotiations Browser:

The Climate Negotiations Browser:

navigate over 20 years of UN climate negotiations
  • The Climate Negotiations BrowserThe Climate Negotiations Browser

In continuation of the EMAPS project, the médialab of Sciences Po, the Laboratoire de Systèmes d'Information Répartis (Switzerland) and the Atelier Iceberg of Nantes have developed a climate change debate exploration platform focusing on deliberations at the highest level of the United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

The platform aims to assist climate negotiation actors and observers, providing them with the tools required to navigate through the last twenty years of international discussions on climate change:

  • A serie of visual diagrams presenting the main actors (countries and negotiating groupings), the stake of negotiations (mitigation, adaptation, Kyoto Protocol, post-Kyoto…) as well as the evolution of their respective and combined visibility over time.
  • A search engine allowing users to filter and browse the verbatims of the Earth Negotiations Bulletin

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