Mobile Europe

The Theory and Practice of Free Movement in the EU
by Ettore Recchi
  • Ettore RecchiEttore Recchi

A just published book “Mobile Europe” written by Ettore Recchi, Professor of Sociology at OSC, presents analyses* about its main research interests: mobilities and European integration. They may help to reboot European integration.

Three médialab researchers

awarded the prize of the British Journal of Sociology
  • médialab de Sciences Pomédialab de Sciences Po

The British Journal of Sociology, a reference journal in sociology, recently awarded its annual prize to “The whole always smaller than its parts,” an article written by three médialab researchers - Bruno Latour, Dominique Boullier and Tommaso Venturini - in collaboration with two physicists from the ENS Lyon, Pablo Jensen and Sebastian Gauwin.

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