The Chair is pleased to announce that it is collaborating with UNESCO Green Citizens.
UNESCO Green Citizens (UGC) is a communication campaign committed to highlighting citizen-led action across the world in the fields of Biodiversity, Hydrology, Ocean, Education for Sustainable Development and Local and Indigenous Knowledge. The online platform contains 150 innovative citizen-led projects that have a significant local impact and can be easily replicated. Through the platform, volunteers can apply to support these local projects with their various needs in communication, project management, advocacy, and more… Being highlighted on this UNESCO platform allows projects to increase the visibility of their work, stabilize their networks, as well as other opportunities.
Together we hope to progressively facilitate more hands-on experiences for young people on projects in the field of climate and sustainability, as well as help further develop our understanding of best practices of civic engagement in climate action. The considered projects will be UNESCO Green Citizens projects operating on natural sites of World Heritage, Biosphere Reserves, Geoparks or for projects laureates of the UNESCO Japan Prize on Education to sustainable development.
UNESCO Green Citizens is currently looking for volunteers to help facilitate the exchange between project managers in the aforementioned areas or domains and volunteers highly complementary to the visibility function of their platform. If you are interested, email your CV to
For more information on UNESCO Green Citizens and their projects go to: