Home>Research>Project>Cours d'écoles "Oasis"
Cours d'écoles "Oasis"
Projet leader

- Carlo Barone (OSC, co-directeur de l'axe Politiques éducatives au LIEPP), responsable du projet
- Olivier Leproux (LIEPP postdoctoral research fellow from MAy 2019 to May 2020)
- Oscar Smallenbroek (LIEPP postdoctoral research fellow)
Description of the project
OASIS (Openness, Adaptation, Sensibilisation, Innovation and Social ties) has been selected by the European Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) program and it is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), which aims to strengthen economic and social cohension in the European Union.
This projet (UIA03-344) proposes to create, with the involvement of local users, a new solution to design and transform urban spaces suited to climate change. This involves renewing usages, moving towards more mixed use and appropriation of these spaces by local inhabitants.
To target these improvements through concrete actions, several operational objectives have been set.
- To create cool islands by experimenting with innovative solutions and products (natural techniques, materials) that are effective in reducing the effect of Urban Heat Island phenomenon.
- To ensure support from all parties, OASIS aims to develop a new methodology to co-design urban spaces with users which can be integrated by technical departements ans passed on to other local authorities.This will make it possible to imagine new modes of governance and participatory management for urban neighbourhoods.
- OASIS aims to raise awareness and educate about climate change by promoting awareness of each of its environmental action capabilities
- To reinforce social ties at neighbourhood level by developing a real protocol of contributory democracy that will lead to the creation of a collective of committed citizens and new local meeting places.
For Météo France, ESIEE (LIED) and the LIEPP, this means assessing the climate-related and social impacts of the OASIS projet.
- Assessment of the climatic and micro-climatic impact of OASIS court (LIED and Météo France)
- Evaluation of the thermal impact of the OASIS court (LIED)
- Social Impact Assessment (LIEPP)
Social Impact Assessment
Grids of indicators constructed from a set of direct observations and interviews will make it possible to grasp the social impact on the use of the playgrounds by children and by outsiders, as well as their awareness of climate change issues.
Poster of the projet - May 2022

- Summary OASIS CAUE workshops
- Summary OASIS Citizen assemblies
- Summary OASIS Schoolyard uses
- Summary OASIS Students' understanding of climate change
For more information, visit the Mairie de Paris' website
In the media
Schoolyards: An Answer to Climate Challenges?, Cogito Research Magazine, 13th december 2022
Newsletter of the project
#1 October 2019
#2 February 2020
#3 September 2020