Home>Academics>Master's Programmes>Master in Political Science>Master in Political Science, Major in International Relations

Master in Political Science, Major in International Relations

Section #presentation

"The political science of international relations is rooted in a tradition of multidisciplinary studies (history, geography, law, sociology, economics).  It analyses international realities as social realities, at both the micro level of actors and the macro level of the groups they form.  This integrated approach has a very long history at Sciences Po."


QS World University Rankings Graphic (credits: Sciences Po)

The Masters in international relations offers a comprehensive overview of the major approaches to knowledge of international affairs (political science, history, law, economics, and geography), a closer examination of research questions that political science and international relations focus on (international organizations, multilateralism, foreign policy, global governance, new conflicts, peace studies), and an original socio-historical approach emphasizing the role of states, societies, cultures and non-state actors in the development of global policy.  

Section #objectifs


The program is specifically designed for students who plan to pursue academic careers (research and teaching), careers as experts in public or private international organizations, civil service entrance examinations (especially international and European ones), and diplomatic careers.  

Section #competences

Skills targeted

The program offers excellent training in political science that provides the following skills: the ability to design and implement a research project, a command of research tools, an ability to communicate research results, and the development of critical and independent thinking.   

Section #structure

Structure of the programme

The programme provides an overview of the major approaches to knowledge of international affairs (political science, history, law, economy, geography), a closer look at priority areas of research in the political science of international relations (international organizations, multilateralism, foreign policy, global governance, new conflicts, peace studies), and an original socio-historical approach emphasizing the role of States, society, culture and non-state actors in shaping global policy.

The first year of the master's degree (semesters 1 and 2) is dedicated to the study of the fundamentals of International Relations, and to a first introduction to reseach, especially through personal tutoring.

The second year of the master's degree (semester 3) builds on the first year through some specialised seminars and the continuation of a general research seminar started in the course of the first year. These classes aim at helping students to get prepared for their master thesis which will be the cornerstone of the  second year of the master's degree. The entire semester 4 is dedicated to the master thesis.

Section #teaching-staff

Teaching staff

The programme also welcomes visiting professors from leading foreign universities, who each year offer a lecture and/or seminar to students in the second year of the Master's programme: K. Olsen et P. Burgess (Oslo), W. Carlsnaes (Uppsala), A. Williams (St Andrews), E. Luck (Columbia), T. Inogushi (Tokyo), N. Lebow (Dartmouth College), etc.

Section #contacts


Chiara Ruffa
Scientific coordinator, 
Professor in Political Science

Contact us by e-mail or telephone to make an appointment:

Fathim Cisse
Administrative Officer
Ph.: +33 (0)1 45 49 72 06

Points clés

  • Two-year Master's
  • Language: French
  • ECTS: 120minimum

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