Jean-Marc ROBIN
Second Vice President and Fellow of the Econometric Society, Senior Member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF), ERC Project MARNET

Jean-Marc ROBIN joined the Department in 2010 as Professor of Economics and served as Chair from 2013 to 2018. Formerly, he was Professor of Economics at Université de Paris I-Paris School of Economics (PSE) and at the University College London. He is team member of the Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice (CEMMAP) at the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS).
Jean-Marc Robin is also a Fellow of the Econometric Society and was elected Second Vice President in 2024. He was elected Member of the Council of the European Economic Association in 2010. In 2018 he became a Founding Fellow of the International Association for Applied Econometrics.
Since 2019, Jean-Marc ROBIN is a Senior Member of the prestigious Institut universitaire de France (IUF).
His research interests focus on microeconometrics, labour microeconomics and search and matching. He has been awarded two prestigious ERC Advanced Grants - in 2010 for his project "Wage Dynamics, Sorting Patterns in Labour Markets and Policy Evaluation" (WASP), and again in 2020 for "Bipartite Network Models for Marriage and Labour Markets" (MARNET). He regularly publishes in the "Top Five" international journals - Econometrica, the Review of Economic Studies, etc. He was a Co-Editor of both Econometrica and the Econometrics Journal for many years.
Before joining Sciences Po's permanent faculty he was Professor of Economics at the University of Paris I, an Associate Chair at the Paris School of Economics and Director of Research at the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA).
To learn more about Jean-Marc ROBIN, consult his website
featured publications
- "Equilibrium Wage Dispersion with Heterogeneous Workers and Firms" (with F. Postel-Vinay). 2002. Econometrica, vol. 70(6), 2295-2350. Winner of the Frisch Medal Award for Best Applied Paper
- "Twenty Years of Rising Inequality in US Lifetime Labor Income Values" (with A. Bowlus). 2004. Review of Economic Studies, vol. 71, 3, pp. 709-742.
- "Wage Bargaining with On-the-Job Search: Theory and Evidence" (with P. Cahuc and F. Postel-Vinay). 2006. Econometrica, Vol. 74, 323-364. Supplementary material.
- “Assessing the Equalizing Force of Mobility Using Short Panels: France, 1990-2002” (with S. Bonhomme). 2009. Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 76, No. 1, pp. 63-92.
- “Generalized Nonparametric Deconvolution with an Application to Earnings Dynamics” (with S. Bonhomme). 2010. Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 77, Issue 2, pp. 491-533.
- "On the Dynamics of Unemployment and Wage Distributions". 2011. Econometrica, vol. 79(5), pages 1327-1355.
- "Tenure, Experience, Human Capital and Wages: A Tractable Equilibrium Search Model of Wage Dynamics" (with J. Bagger, F. Fontaine and F. Postel-Vinay). 2014. American Economic Review, Volume 104, Issue 6, 1551-96.
- "Wages and Informality in Developing Countries" (with Costas Meghir and Renata Narita). 2015. American Economic Review, 105(4): 1509-46.
- "The Macro-Dynamics of Sorting between Workers and Firms" (with Lise Jeremy). 2017. American Economic Review. Vol. 107-4, pp. 1104-35.
- "Marriage, Labor Supply, and Home Production" (with M. Goussé and N. Jacquemet). 2017. Econometrica, Vol. 85:6, DOI: 10.3982/ECTA11221, p. 1873-1919
Research Areas
Microeconometrics, Labour Economics
Latest Publications
- Search, matching and heterogeneity
- Matching models with and without frictions: applications to the economics of the family
- Les effets de la conjoncture sur les appariements entre emplois et employés
- Labor market reforms and unemployment dynamics
- Nonparametric estimation of non-exchangeable latent-variable models
- Marriage, Labor Supply, and Home Production
- Household labour supply and the marriage market in the UK, 1991-2008
- The Macrodynamics of Sorting between Workers and Firms
- Grade Retention and Unobserved Heterogeneity
- Matching, Sorting, and Wages
See all publications