Home>PEPES "Junior" Seminar *in-person* - May 12th
PEPES "Junior" Seminar *in-person* - May 12th
Ariane SALEM is a Visiting PhD Candidate in Economics from the University of Geneva, working on a thesis entitled Who Owns the Land? Essays on Land Distribution and its Socio-Economic Outcomes, under the supervision of Mathieu COUTTENIER.
Her research interests include development, economic history, political economics, agriculture and resource economics, as well as urban geography.
Ariane SALEM will present a paper, joint with Awa AMBRA SECK, at the PEPES "Junior" Seminar on the theme:
More about Ariane SALEM and her research
Philine WIDMER is a Visiting PhD Candidate at PSE from University of Saint Gallen, working on a thesis under the supervision of Roland HODLER.Her research covers topics in political, media, and development economics. She is particularly interested in bringing natural language processing techniques to applied economics research.
Philine WIDMER will present a paper at the next PEPES "Junior" Seminar on the theme:
Propaganda Responds to Foreign News Access (read abstract, PDF 25.48 KB)
More about Philine WIDMER and her research
Date : THURSDAY, May 12th - 12:30 PM
Location : Department of Economics - 4th floor - Room H 405
The next PEPES Seminar will host Guo XU (Berkeley Haas) on May 19th.