Home>Roy-ADRES Seminar *in-person* - June 13th


Roy-ADRES Seminar *in-person* - June 13th

Matt Elliott

Matt ELLIOTT is Professor/Reader at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Cambridge. He is also Cambridge Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) Coordinator / Janeway Coordinator, Networks Theme since 2019. Among his editorial duties, he will be Associate Editor of Econometrica, starting in July 2022, and is a Member of the Review of Economic Studies Editorial Board and an Associate Editor of Network Science.

His research focuses on networked markets, network games, bargaining, cascades on networks, search, and matching. His research has been awarded a number of grants and honours. Among the latest, he was awarded an IESE grant, as collaborator, for 3 years (2021 − 2024), an ERC Starting grant for his project Embedded Markets and the Economy  in 2018, and a Keynes Fund grant for his project Experts Opinions and Persuasion in Times of Uncertainty, Cambridge Univeristy in 2020.

Matt ELLIOTT will present a paper, joint with A. GALEOTTI, A. KOH, and Wenhao LI, at the next Roy-ADRES Seminar on the theme:

Market Segmentation through Information

More about Matt ELLIOTT and his research

Date: MONDAY, June 13th - 5 PM
Location:PSE - Jourdan Campus - Room R1-14

The next Roy-ADRES Seminar will host Colin STEWART (University of Toronto) on June 20th.

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This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 101001694)

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