Home>RIEF Network Conference


RIEF Network Conference

The Department will be hosting the Research in International Economics and Finance (RIEF) Network's 21st Annual Doctoral Meetings.

The RIEF Network was created in 2004 in order to strengthen scientific cooperation and contacts between European research centres working on international economics. Every year it organises a doctoral meeting which gives selected PhD candidates or young doctors (on the job market) the opportunity to have their papers discussed by senior researchers in the field.

A prize of 500 euros is awarded to the best paper presented.

When? Thursday, April 28th & Friday, April 29th, 2022
Where? Sciences Po - Department of Economics - 1, place Saint-Thomas d'Aquin 75007 Paris

Organizers: Anne‐Célia DISDIER (anne‐celia.disdier@psemail.eu), Mathieu PARENTI (mathieu.parenti@ulb.be)

8.45 - 9.00 AM: Registration 

Session 1: Macro
Chair: Fabien TRIPIER

9.00 - 9.35 AM: Why Does a Dominant Currency Replace Another?
Presenter: Marko Mlikota (University of Pennsylvania)
Discussant: Lise Patureau (University of Paris Dauphine – PSL)

9.35 - 10.10 AM: A Consolidated‐by‐Nationality Approach to Irish Foreign Exposure
Presenter: Andre Sanchez Pacheco (Trinity College Dublin and IM‐TCD)
Discussant: Francesco Pappada (Banque de France and PSE)

10.10 - 10.45 AM: Seniority and Sovereign Default
Presenter: Adrien Wicht (European University Institute)
Discussant: Fabien Tripier (University of Paris Dauphine – PSL and CEPREMAP)

10.45 – 11.15 AM: Coffee Break

Session 2: Trade
Chair: Maria BAS

11.15 - 11.50 AM: Trade Liberalization and Differentiation: Third‐Country Effects
Presenter: Deniz Atalar (University of Cambridge)
Discussant: Gabriel Smagghue (Banque de France)

11.50 - 12.25 PM: Trading under Uncertainty: Evidence from Myanmar's Ethnic Conflicts
Presenter: Stephan Pauly (Sciences Po)
Discussant: Daniel Mirza (University of Tours)

12.25 – 1.00 PM: Firm‐Level Prices, Quality, and Markups: The Role of Immigrant Workers
Presenter: Giulia Sabbadini (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies)
Discussant: Maria Bas (University Paris 1)Vincent STERK (UCL)

1.00 – 2.15 PM:  Lunch at Sciences Po

Keynote Lecture 2.15 – 3.15 PM: Growth and the Fragmentation of Production
Johannes BOEHM (Sciences Po and CEPR)

Session 3: Innovation and Shocks
Chair: Céline POILLY

3.15 – 3.50 PM: The Labor Market Consequences of Appropriate Technology
Presenter: Gustavo de Souza (University of Chicago)
Discussant: Antonin Bergeaud (Banque de France and CEPR)

3.50 – 4.25 PM: Identification of Expectational Shocks in the Oil Market using OPEC Announcements
Presenter: Riccardo Degasperi (University of Warwick)
Discussant: Moritz Schularick (Sciences Po, University of Bonn, and CEPR)

4.25 – 5.00 PM: Sovereign Defaults in a World of Climatic Disasters
Presenter: Ibrahima Diarra (University Paris‐Saclay)
Discussant: Céline Poilly (Aix‐Marseille School of Economics and CEPR)

Session 4: Trade, FDI and Networks

8.45 – 9.20 AM: Invest in Friends or Foreigners? The Role of Social Connectedness in Foreign Direct Investment
Presenter: Felix Dornseifer (Technische Universität Dortmund)
Discussant: Andrea Ariu (University of Milan and CEPR)

9.20 – 9.55 AM: Export Entry and Network Interactions: Evidence from the Belgian Production Network
Presenter: Philipp Ludwig (KU Leuven)
Discussant: Isabelle Méjean (Sciences Po and CEPR)

9.55 – 10.30 AM: Mergers, Foreign Entry, and Jobs: Evidence from the U.S. Appliance Industry
Presenter: Felix Montag (Ludwig‐Maximilians‐University Munich)
Discussant: Gonzague Vannoorenberghe (Université Catholique de Louvain)

10.30 – 10.50 AM: Coffee Break

Session 5: Investment and Trade Agreements
Chair: Mathieu PARENTI

10.50 – 11.25 AM: International Investment Agreements, Double‐Taxation Treaties and Multinational Activity: The (Heterogeneous) Effects of Binding
Presenter: Monika Sztajerowska (PSE)
Discussant: Giuseppe Berlingieri (ESSEC)

11.25 AM – 12 PM: Partial Equilibrium Effects of Preferential Trade Agreements
Presenter: Maria Ptashkina (University Pompeu Fabra)
Discussant: Mathieu Parenti (ULB and CEPR)

12.00 – 1.10 PM: Lunch at Sciences Po and Best Paper Prize awarded by CEPREMAP

Keynote Lecture 1.10 – 2 PM: Foreign Shocks as Granular Fluctuations
Isabelle MEJEAN (Sciences Po and CEPR)

2 – 2.15 PM: Coffee Break

Session 6: Portfolio Investment and Governance
Chair: Johannes BOEHM

2.15 – 2.50 PM: Foreign Portfolio Investment Network and Currency Risk Premia
Presenter: Jantke de Boer (Technische Universität Dresden)
Discussant: Pablo Winant (ESCP and CEPII)

2.50 – 3.25 PM: Cracks in the Boards: the Opportunity Cost of Governance Homogeneity
Presenter: Hélène Maghin (KU Leuven)
Discussant: Johannes Boehm (Sciences Po and CEPR)

Session 7: Taste and Culture
Chair: Thierry MAYER

3.25 – 4 PM: How Taste Proximity Affects Consumer Quality Valuation of Imported Varieties: Evidence from the French Agri‐Food Sector
Presenter: Francesco Guerra (INRAE)
Discussant: Antoine Berthou (Banque de France)

4 – 4.35 PM: The Effect of Being a European Capital of Culture: Evidence from Matera
Presenter: Luca Favero (University of Turin, and Collegio Carlo Alberto)
Discussant: Thierry Mayer (Sciences Po, CEPR and CEPII)

4.40 PM: End of Conference

Thanks to the generous support of the following institutions, there are no submission or attendance fees to the meetings:

Logos of Banque de France, CEPREMAP, CEPII and the Department of Economics

Our partners

Institutional partnerships for research and innovation

  • CNRS
  • Banque de France
  • The CORE Project 
  • The Kellen Foundation

Other research centres

  • LEPI
  • OFCE