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Sciences Po Economics Discussion Papers

The Department of Economics publishes a discussion paper series focusing on the current research of our faculty members. Our goal is to make this early research available to fellow economists, scholars and institutions all over the world. To that end, we have created a special collection called the Sciences Po Economics Discussion Papers.

The collection is available on Sciences Po's virtual institutional repository (SPIRE) and HAL and is linked to RePEc's EconPapers.

Antoine FEREY is the scientific coordinator of the Sciences Po Economics Discussion Papers series. The publication coordinator is Melissa Mundell (email).

2024-08 The Wage of Temporary Agency Workers (PDF 6.2 MB)
Antonin Bergeaud, Pierre Cahuc, Clément Malgouyres, Sara Signorelli, and Thomas Zuber

2024-07 Employment Protection Legislation and Job Reallocation Across Sectors, Firms and Workers (PDF 228.31 KB)
Pierre Cahuc and Marco G. Palladino

2024-06 The Micro and Macro Economics of Short-Time Work (PDF 1.18 MO)
Pierre Cahuc

2024-05 Prices and Concentration: A U-Shape? Theory and Evidence from Renewables 
Michele Fioretti, Junnan He, and Jorge Tamayo

2024-04 The Role of Workers in Knowledge Diffusion Across Firms
Anders Akerman and Kerstin Holzheu

2024-03 Delayed Childbearing and Urban Revival: A Structural Approach
Ana Moreno-Maldonaldo and Clara Santamaria

2024-02 Do the Numbers Matter? An Experiment on Policy Preferences
Itzhak Rasooly

2024-01 Multi-Tier Hierarchies: A Moral Hazard Approach
Joaquin Coleff and Juan Sebastián Ivars

2023-11 Housing Costs and Real Income Differences across Chinese Cities
Ziyang Chen, Pierre-Philippe Combes, Sylvie Démurger, and Xiuyan Liu
(updated June 2024)

2023-10 The Two Faces of Worker Specialization
Zsofiá Bárány and Kerstin Holzheu
(updated May 2024)

2023-09 Socioemotional Development during Adolescence: Evidence from a Large Macro Shock
Ghazala Azmat, Katja Maria Kaufmann, and Yasemin Özdemir

2023-08 Some Don't Like It Hot: Bank Depositors and NGO Campaigns Against Brown Banks (PDF 1.76 MB)
Clément Mazet-Sonilhac and Jean-Stéphane Mésonnier
(Updated September 2024; circulated formerly as Some Don't Like It Hot: Bank Depositors and NGO Campaigns Against Fossil Fuels)

2023-07 Time-Varying Agglomeration Economies and Aggregate Wage Growth
Clémence Berson, Pierre-Philippe Combes, Laurent Gobillon, and Aurélie Sotura

2023-06 An Anatomy of Urbanization in Sub-Saharan Africa
Pierre-Philippe Combes, Clément Gorin, Shohei Nakamura, Mark Roberts, and Benjamin Stewart

2023-05 Where Is Poverty Concentrated? New Evidence Based on Internationally Consistent Urban and Poverty Measurements
Shohei Nakamura, Pierre-Philippe Combes, Robin Moellerherm , Charlotte Robert, Mark Roberts, Benjamin Stewart, and Slava Yakubenko

2023-04 Ownership Frictions in a Procurement Market: Evidence from London Buses
Marleen Marra and Florian Oswald

2023-03 Spatial Rents, Garage Location, and Competition in the London Bus Market
Marleen Marra and Florian Oswald

2023-02 Five Facts about MPCs: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment 
Johannes Boehm, Etienne Fize, and Xavier Jaravel

2023-01 Kinks Know More: Policy Evaluation Beyond Bunching with an Application to Solar Subsidies (PDF 919.22 KB)
Stefan Pollinger
(updated August 2024)

2022-12 Masks, Cameras, and Social Pressure
Itzhak Rasooly and Roberto Rozzi

2022-11 Heterogeneity in MPC Beyond Liquidity Constraints: The Role of Permanent Earnings 
Jeanne Commault
(Updated in June 2024. Formerly titled How Do Persistent Earnings Affect the Response of Consumption to Transitory Shocks?)

2022-10 Will We Ever Be Able to Track Offshore Wealth? Evidence from the Offshore Real Estate Market in the UK
Jeanne Bomare and Ségal Le Guern Herry

2022-09 Social Media and Newsroom Production Decisions
Julia Cagé, Nicolas Hervé, and Béatrice Mazoyer

2022-08 Innovation Begets Innovation and Concentration: the Case of Upstream Oil & Gas in the North Sea
Michele Fioretti, Alessandro Iaria, Aljoscha Janssen, Clément Mazet-Sonilhac, and Robert K. Perrons

2022-07 Productivity Slowdown and Tax Havens: Where Is Measured Value Creation?
Jean-Charles Bricongne, Samuel Delpeuch, and Margarita Lopez Forero

2022-06 Bank Local Specialization
Anne Duquerroy, Clément Mazet-Sonilhac, Jean-Stéphane Mésonnier, and Daniel Paravisini

2022-05 Employment Effects of Restricting Fixed-Term Contracts: Theory and Evidence
Pierre Cahuc, Pauline Carry, Franck Malherbet, and Pedro S. Martins

2022-04 Search Frictions in International Goods Markets
Clémence Lenoir, Julien Martin, and Isabelle Mejean

2022-03 Electoral Turnovers
Benjamin Marx, Vincent Pons, and Vincent Rollet
(updated in October 2022)

2022-02 The New Speak and Economic Theory Or How We Are Being Talked To
Jean-Paul Fitoussi

2022-01 An Exact Analysis of Precautionary Consumption Growth
Jeanne Commault

2021-14 Structural Change, Land Use and Urban Expansion
Nicolas Cœurdacier, Florian Oswald, and Marc Teignier

2021-13 The Dynamic Consequences of State-Building: Evidence from the French Revolution
Cédric Chambru, Emeric Henry, and Benjamin Marx
(updated in November 2022)

2021-12 Putting People First: Beyond COVID-19
Jean-Paul Fitoussi, Khalid Malik, Jill Rubery, and Robert Skidelsky

2021-11 Workplace Presenteeism, Job Substitutability and Gender Inequality
Ghazala Azmat, Lena Hensvik, and Olof Rosenqvist 

2021-10 Formation of College Plans: Expected Returns, Preferences and Adjustment Process
Ghazala Azmat and Katja Maria Kaufmann

2021-09 The Anatomy of Intergenerational Income Mobility in France and Its Spatial Variations
Gustave Kenedi and Louis Sirugue

2021-08 It Takes Money to Make MPs: Evidence from 150 Years of British Campaign Spending
Julia Cagé and Edgard Dewitte

2021-07 Saving for a Dry Day: Coal, Dams, and the Energy Transition
Michele Fioretti and Jorge Tamayo

2021-06 Corruption and Firm Growth: Evidence from around the World
Raymond Fisman, Sergeï Guriev, Carolin Ioramashvili, and Alexander Plekhanov

2021-05 Local Public Goods and the Spatial Distribution of Economic Activity
Arthur Guillouzouic, Emeric Henry, and Joan Monras

2021-04 The Heterogeneous Effect of Short-Time Work: From Saved Jobs to Windfall Effects
Pierre Cahuc, Francis Kramarz, and Sandra Nevoux

2021-03 The Lock-In Effects of Part-Time Unemployment Benefits
Hélène Benghalem, Pierre Cahuc, and Pierre Villedieu

2021-02 Performance Pay in Insurance Markets: Evidence from Medicare
Michele Fioretti and Hongming Wang

2021-01 The Voice: The Shareholders' Motives Behind Corporate Donations during COVID-19
Michele Fioretti, Victor Saint-Jean, and Simon C. Smith
(updated February 2022, formerly entitled 'Selfish Shareholders: Corporate Donations during COVID-19')

2020-12 Labor Share, Foreign Demand and Superstar Exporters
Ludovic Panon

2020-11 Heroes and Villains: The Effects of Combat Heroism on Autocratic Values and Nazi Collaboration in France (PDF 489.55 KB)
Julia Cagé, Anna Dagorret, Pauline Grosjean, and Saumitra Jha
(updated October 2021)

2020-10 Managing Inequality Across Business Cycles: Optimal Policies with Heterogeneous Agent Models
François Le Grand and Xavier Ragot

2020-09 Informational Barriers to Market Access: Experimental Evidence from Liberian Firms
Jonas Hyort, Vinayak Iyer, and Golvine de Rochambeau

2020-08 J'Accuse! Antisemitism and Financial Markets in the Time of the Dreyfus Affair (updated Dec 2020)
Quoc-Anh Do, Roberto Galbiati, Benjamin Marx, and Miguel A. Ortiz Serrano

2020-07 The Heterogeneous Price of a Vote: Evidence from Multiparty Systems, 1993-2017 (updated Dec 2020)
Yasmine Bekkouche, Julia Cagé, and Edgard Dewitte

2020-06 Checking and Sharing Alt-Facts
Emeric Henry, Sergeï Guriev, and Ekaterina Zhuravskaya

2020-05 Apprenticeship and Youth Unemployment
Pierre Cahuc and Jérémy Hervelin

2020-04 Global Giants and Local Stars: How Changes in Brand Ownership Affect Competition
Vanessa Alviarez, Keith Head, and Thierry Mayer

2020-03 Media Competition and News Diets 
Charles Angelucci, Julia Cagé, and Michael Sinkinson

2020-02 Estimating and Auction Game with Two-Sided Entry 
Marleen Marra
(updated June 2024, formerly entitled ‘Pricing and Fees in Auction Platforms with Two-Sided Entry’)

2020-01 Caring or Pretending to Care? Social Impact, Firms' Objectives, and Welfare (PDF 2.43 MB)
Michele Fioretti
(updated February 2022, formerly entitled 'Social Responsibility and Firms' Objectives')

2019-17 Gender Promotion Gaps: Career Aspirations and Workplace Discrimination
Ghazala Azmat, Vicente Cunãt, and Emeric Henry

2019-16 Peer Effects in Academic Research: Senders and Receivers
Clément Bosquet, Pierre-Philippe Combes, Emeric Henry, and Thierry Mayer

2019-15 Subsidizing Inequality: Performance Pay and Risk Selection in Medicare
Michele Fioretti and Hongming Wang

2019-14 Secular Trends in Wealth and Heterogeneous Capital: Land is Back...and Should Be Taxed 
Odran Bonnet, Guillaume Chapelle, AlainTrannoy, and Étienne Wasmer

2019-13 3G Internet and Confidence in Government
Sergei Guriev, Nikita Melnikov, and Ekaterina Zhuravskaya

2019-12 Corruption and Adverse Selection
Leonidas Koutsougeras, Miguel Santos, and Xei Fu

2019-11 Eat Widely, Vote Wisely ? Lessons from a Campaign Against Vote Buying in Uganda
Chris Blattman, Horacio Larreguy, Benjamin Marx, and Otis R. Reid

2019-10 Technology-Induced Trade Shocks? Evidence from Broadband Expansion in France
Clément Magouyres, Thierry Mayer, and Clément Mazet-Sonilhac

2019-09 The Heterogeneous Price of a Vote: Evidence from France, 1993-2014
Yasmine Bekkouche, Julia Cagé

2019-08 Partial Language Competence
Jeanne Hagenbach, Frédéric Koessler

2019-07 Comparative Advantage of Firms
Johannes Boehm, Swati Dhingra, and John Morrow

2019-06 Learning to Cooperate in the Shadow of the Law (PDF 1.13 MB)
Roberto Galbiati, Emeric Henry, and Nicolas Jacquemet
(updated April 2021)

2019-05 The Production of Information in an Online World: Is Copy Right?
Julia Cagé, Nicolas Hervé, and Marie-Luce Viaud

2019-04 When in Rome... on local norms and sentencing decisions
David Abrams, Roberto Galbiati, Emeric Henry, and Arnaud Philippe

2019-03 Inefficient Short-Time Work
Pierre Cahuc and Sandra Nevoux

2019-02 Sex and the Mission: The Conflicting Effects of Early Christian Missions on HIV in sub-Saharan Africa
Julia Cagé, and Valeria Rueda

2019-01 Monetary Easing, Leveraged Payouts and Lack of Investment
Viral V. Acharya and Guillaume Plantin

2018-14 Altruism and Risk Sharing in Networks
Renaud Bourlès, Yann Bramoullé, and Eduardo Perez-Richet

2018-13 Test Design Under Falsification
Eduardo Perez-Richet and Vasiliki Skreta

2018-12 Limited Participation, Capital Accumulation and Optimal Monetary Policy
Xavier Ragot

2018-11 Voting and Contributing when the Group is Watching
Emeric Henry and Charles Louis-Sidois

2018-10 Waiting for my Neighbors
Sidartha Gordon, Emeric Henry, and Pauli Murto

2018-9 Facts, Alternative Facts, and Fact Checking in the Times of Post-Truth Politics
Oscar Barrera, Sergei Guriev, Emeric Henry, and Ekaterina Zhuravskaya

2018-08 The Impact of Contract Enforcement Costs on Value Chains and Aggregate Productivity
Johannes Boehm

2018-07 Vertical Integration and Foreclosure: Evidence from Production Network Data
Johannes Boehm and Jan Sonntag

2018-06 Fiscal and Monetary Regimes: A Strategic Approach (PDF 1.96 MB)
Jean Barthélemy and Guillaume Plantin

2018-05 The Institutional Foundations of Religious Politics: Evidence from Indonesia (insérer lien)
Samuel Bazzi, Gabriel Koehler-Derrick, and Benjamin Marx

2018-04 Misallocation in the Market for Inputs: Enforcement and Organization of Production
Johannes Boehm, and Ezra Oberfield

2018-03 When Short-time Work Works
Pierre Cahuc, Francis Kramarz, and Sandra Nevoux

2018-02 Taxation and Self-Employment
Zsofia Bárány

2018-01 Whither Economic History? Between Narratives and Quantification
Pamfili Antipa, and Vincent Bignon

2016-08 The Welfare Cost of Inflation Risk Under Imperfect Insurance
Olivier Allais, Yann Algan, Edouard Challe, and Xavier Ragot

2016-07 Solving Endogenous Regime Switching Models
Jean Barthélemy and Magalie Marx

2016-06 The Signaling Effect of Raising Inflation
Jean Barthélemy and Eric Mengus

2016-05 The Welfare Effects of Involuntary Part-Time Work
Daniel Borowczyk-Martins and Étienne Lalé

2016-04 The Rise of Part-time Employment
Daniel Borowczyk-Martins and Étienne Lalé

2016-03 A Brief History of Human Time: Exploring a Database of "Notable People"
Olivier Gergaud, Morgane Laouenan, and Etienne Wasmer

2016-02 Semiparametric Analysis of Network Formation
Koen Jochmans

2016-01 Modified-Likelihood Estimation of the B-Model
Koen Jochmans

2014-18 Estimating Multivariate Latent-Structure Models
Stéphane Bonhomme, Koen Jochmans, Jean-Marc Robin

2014-17 Employment Adjustment and Part-time Jobs: The US and the UK in the Great Recession
Daniel Borowczyk-Martins and Etienne Lalé

2014-16 Inspecting the Mechanism: Leverage and the Great Recession in the Eurozone
Philippe Martin P and Thomas Philippon

2014-15 The Long-Term Effects of the Printing Press in Sub-Saharan Africa
Julia Cagé and Valeria Rueda

2014-14 Shopping Time
Nicolas Petrosky-Nadeau, Etienne Wasmer, and Shutian Zeng

2014-13 Capital Cities, Conflict, and Misgovernance: Theory and Evidence
Filipe Campante, Quoc-Anh Do, and Bernardo Guimaraes

2014-12 Performance-Based Financing, Motivation and Final Output in the Health Sector: Experimental Evidence from the Democratic Republic of Congo
Elise Huillery E and Juliette Seban

2014-11 Employment Protection and Capital-Labor Ratios
Alexandre Janiak and Etienne Wasmer

2014-10 Unanimity in Attribute-Based Preference Domains
Sidartha Gordon

2014-09 Macroeconomic Dynamics in a Model of Goods, Labor and Credit Market Frictions
Nicolas Petrosky-Nadeau and Etienne Wasmer

2014-08 Doubts and Dogmatism in Conflict Behavior
Sidartha Gordon and Alessandro Riboni

2014-07 Does Housing Capital Contribute to Inequality? A Comment on Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the 21st Century?
Odran Bonnet, Pierre-Henri Bono, Guillaume Chapelle, and Etienne Wasmer

2014-06 Income Tax and Retirement Schemes
Philippe Choné and Guy Laroque

2014-05 Multiplicative-Error Models with Sample Selection
Koen Jochmans

2014-04 Information Transmission in Nested Sender-Receiver Games
Ying Chen and Sidartha Gordon

2014-03 Split-Panel Jackknife Estimation of Fixed-Effect Models
Geert Dhaene and Koen Jochmans

2014-02 Welfare and Trade Without Pareto
Keith Head, Thierry Mayer, and Mathias Thoenig

2014-01 Inference on Mixtures Under Tail Restrictions
Marc Henry, Koen Jochmans, and Bernard Salanié

2013-17 Gender and Competition: Evidence from Academic Promotions in France
Clément Bosquet, Pierre-Philippe Combes, and Cecilia Garcia-Penalosa

2013-16 What Predicts a Successful Life? A Life-Course Model of Well-Being
Richard Layard, Andrew E. Clark, Francesca Cornaglia, and Nattavudh Powdthavee, and James Vernoit

2013-15 Weighted Majoritarian Rules for the Location of Multiple Public Facilities
Olivier Bochet, Sidartha Gordon, and Rene Saran

2013-14 Time to Ship during Financial Crises
Nicolas Berman, José De Souza, Philippe Martin, and Thierry Mayer

2013-13 Input-Trade Liberalization, Export Prices and Quality Upgrading
Maria Bas and Vanessa Strauss-Khan

2013-12 Search, Project Adoption and the Fear of Commitment
Talia Bar, Vidya Atal, and Sidartha Gordon

2013-11 Firm Heterogeneity and Aggregate Welfare
Marc J. Melitz and Stephen J. Redding

2013-10 Voting Alone? The Political and Cultural Consequences of Commercial TV
Paolo Pinotti, Andrea Tesei, and Ruben Durante

2013-09 Nonparametric Estimation of Finite Mixtures
Stéphane Bonhomme, Koen Jochmans, and Jean-Marc Robin

2013-08 Optimal Project Selection Mechanisms
Talia Bar and Sidartha Gordon

2013-07 Likelihood Inference in an Autoregression with Fixed Effects
Geert Dhaene and Koen Jochmans

2013-06 Innovation beyond Patents: Technological Complexity as a Protection against Imitation
Emeric Henry and Francisco Ruiz‐Aliseda

2013-05 Proximity as a Source of Comparative Advantage
Liza Archanskaia

2013-04 Pairwise-Comparison Estimation with Nonparametric Controls
Koen Jochmans

2013-03 Empowering Parents in School: What They Can(not) Do
Elizabeth Beasley and Elise Huillery

2013-02 Gravity Equations: Workhorse, Toolkit, and Cookbook
Keith Head and Thierry Mayer

2013-01 Isolated Capital Cities, Accountability and Corruption: Evidence from US States
Filipe R. Campante and Quoc-Anh Do

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