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Sciences Po / Banque de France Research Seminar

Pediments on Banque de France and Sciences Po buildings

As part of Sciences Po's partnership with the Banque de France, we have created a special monthly seminar series: Banks and the Financial System: What Regulation?

The Sciences Po / Banque de France Research Seminars discuss issues on banking, financial systems and financial regulation. The objective is to confront the approaches and ideas of academics and practitioners.

Wednesdays, 5 to 7 pm. 

In order to attend, you should contact by email Stéphanie BERRIBI.

The Sciences Po / Banque de France Research Seminar series is organised by Vivien Levy-Garboua (BNP Paribas), Denis Beau (Sous-Gouverneur, Banque de France), Stéphane GUIBAUD (Professor at Sciences Po).


September 18th - Jón DANIELSSON (Director of the Systemic Risk Centre, LSE)
The Next AI Financial Crisis

October 9th - Agnès BENASSY-QUÉRÉ (Deputy Governor, Banque de France)

November 6th - Bruno BIAIS (Professor, HEC Paris)
On crypto assets


The schedule will be published later this Fall.

September 20th - Paul DE GRAUWE (London School of Economics and Political Science)
Fighting Inflation without Transferring Central Banks’ Profits to Banks

October 11th - Patrick ARTUS (Natixis)
What Strategic Evolutions of Monetary Policies?

November 22nd - James McANDREWS (Chairman and CEO,TNB USA Inc.)
What Lessons Should We Draw from the US Bank Crisis of 2023?

February 28th - Carlo GALLI (Universidad Carlos III, Madrid)
Quantitative Easing with Fiscal-Monetary Interactions

March 20th - Nathalie AUFAUVRE (Banque de France, Secretary General ACPR)
Regulatory and Prudential Implications of the Banking Crisis of 2023

April 17th - Olivier WANG (NYU Stern)
Banking on Uninsured Deposits

May 22nd - David THESMAR (Visiting Faculty, MIT Sloan)
Over- and Under-Reaction in the Formation of Economic Expectations

September 21st - Eric MONNET (PSE, EHESS)
The Future of Central Bank Governance

October 19th - Antoine MARTIN (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Making Sense of Digital Currencies

November 16th - Quentin VANDEWEYER (Chicago Booth School of Business)
Can Stablecoins Be Stable?

January 18th - Patricia MOSSER (Columbia)
Cyber-Risks and Financial Stability

February 8th - Keyu JIN (LSE)
China: A Reality Check - Present Challenges and Future Opportunities

March 22nd - Eric MENGUS (Visiting Faculty, on leave from HEC Paris)
Fiscal and Monetary Interactions with High Public Debt: Is Coordination Possible?

April 19th - Irène MONASTEROLO (EDHEC Business School, EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute)
Climate Credit Risk and Corporate Valuation

May 24th - Olivier JEANNE (Johns Hopkins University)
Fiscal Inertia and Central Bank Backing of Government Debt

September 8th - Hyun Song SHIN (BIS)
Central Bank Digital Currency: Where Do We Stand?

October 6th - Jean-Charles ROCHET (UNIGE, TSE)
Banks and Public Debt

November 17th - Darrell DUFFIES (Stanford)
Do Credit Sensitive Loan-Rate Benchmarks Enhance Credit Provision?

December 1st - William COEN (Former Secretary General of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision)
Financial Sector Regulation: How Much Is Too Much?

February 9th - Kevin STIROH (Senior Advisor and Chair of the Supervision Climate Committee, Federal Reserve Board)
Microprudential Issues around the Financial Risks of Climate Change

March 16th - Zoltan POZSAR (Crédit Suisse)
From Quantitative Easening to Quantitative Tightening

April 20th - Robert OPHÈLE (Chairman of the French Financial Market Authority (AMF)
The Pros and Cons of the Carbon Quota Market in the EU

May 11th - Oliver WANG (NYU Stern)
A Credible Solution to the TBTF Conundrum

Fall Semester 2020

September 23rd - Olivier GARNIER (Banque de France)
The New Normal for Monetary Policy

October 14th - Jose Luis PEYDRO (Barcelona GSE, Imperial College London)
Monetary and Macroprudential Complementarities

November 25th - Claudia BUCH (Deutsche Bundesbank)
Financial Stability Implications of Fiscal Measures Taken During the Covid Crisis

December 16th - Martin OEHMKE (LSE)
Do socially responsible investors make a difference?

Winter-Spring Semester 2021

January 20th - Elena CARLETTI (Bocconi)
How much capital will firms need after Covid-19 ?

February 10th - Marianne VERDIER (University of Paris II)
Will digital currency competition drive banks out of payment services ?

March 3rd - Nicolas VERON (Bruegel, Peterson Institute for International Economics)
Zombie banks and zombie firms: what reality, what solutions ?

April 14th - Xavier RAGOT (Sciences Po)
Monetary and Fiscal Policy: A New Coordination ?

May 19th - Pierre MONNIN (Council on Economic Policies)
Central Banks and Climate Change: Implications for Monetary Policy

Fall Semester 2019

September 25th - Thierry TRESSEL (IMF)
Household Vulnerabilities and the Real Estate Market

October 16th - Ron ANDERSON (LSE)
Assessing China's Debt Overhang: Risks and Policy Responses

November 13th - Denis GROMB (HEC Paris)
Financial Restructuring and Bank Resolution

December 11th - Antoine MARTIN (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
What Happened to US Money Markets in Mid-September 2019?

Winter-Spring Semester 2020

January 22nd - Michel AGLIETTA (Emeritus Professor, University of Paris-Nanterre)
China's Finance and Renminbi's Internationalization : Is It Possible to Avoid a Currency War?

February 26th - Anthony SAUNDERS (NYU)
What's in the Spread? Bank vs Bonds

*POSTPONED* March 18th - Olivier GARNIER (Banque de France)