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Our missions
The Department of Resources and Scientific Information (DRIS) brings together Sciences Po's library and archives. It is spread across the seven campuses (Paris, Dijon, Le Havre, Menton, Nancy, Poitiers, Reims), each of which houses a library.

The Sciences Po library is a social sciences reference library at an international level and more specifically in the field of political science.
As an active member of CollEx-Persée (a national research infrastucture for collections of excellence) it brings together researchers and large scientific information holdings in order to give easier access. It collects, describes, disseminates and preserves material and resources for teaching and research.
As part of the European objectives in promoting Open Science, it designs along with its users the tools and services they need in order to collect, digitalise and explore resources and data.
The library also provides as part of its missions tuition on searching methodology and information literacy to its public (students, teachers and searchers) on all sort of resources (text, archive, image both printed or electronic).
It takes part actively into major french and european associations: ADBU (Association des bibliothèques universitaires), LIBER (Association of European Research Libraries), IFLA (International association of library associations), SPARC (Scholarly publishing and academic resources coalition) et COAR (Coalition of open access repositories).
The Sciences Po Library is primarily committed to serving the students, faculty and researchers of the Sciences Po community.
The library is also open to external readers, under certain conditions.
The Sciences Po library is specialized in the social sciences, offering one of the richest collections in this field in all of Europe.
For further information see: the collections.
27, rue Saint-Guillaume
75337 Paris Cedex 07 (FRANCE)
Téléphone : 01 45 49 53 00
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