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À l'occasion de la publication de l'atlas des migrations en Méditerranée de l'Antiquité à nos jours… Lire la suite

 Événement en presentiel 

Organisé conjointement par le groupe Migrations et Mobilités, le groupe MIDI et l'ANR PACE

Lieu : Salle S1, 2e étage,  28 rue des Saints-Pères - Paris 7 

The Evolution of Frontex through invocations of ‘migrant crises’

"Migration crisis’" narratives have become common in European discourse, especially since about one million people crossed EU maritime borders without authorisation in 2015. In this talk, I will show what crisis narratives do, using the example of the EU border agency Frontex. I distinguish between protracted and acute crisis narratives, showing how their interplay has contributed to Frontex’s evolution and expansion over the last two decades while further consolidating the externalization and fortification of EUropean borders.

Intervenant :
Maurice Stierl, IMIS, Université d'Osnabrück

NGOs/CSOs and EU Border Externalisation Along the Central Mediterranean Route

Non-governmental and civil society organisations (NGOs/CSOs) engaged in migration-related activities are in an ambiguous relationship with EU border externalisation. In this talk I focus on the so-called Central Mediterranean route as a liminal, transnational and mobile spatial configuration, including the terrestrial dimension (Libya and other North African countries) as well as the maritime dimension. In so doing, I introduce the notion of anti-externalisation, as well as its variants counter-externalisation and counter-delocalisation, identifying relevant practices among NGOs/CSOs.

Intervenante : 
Paolo Cuttitta, Università di Genova – Université Sorbonne Paris Nord

Discutante :
Hélène Thiollet, Sciences Po - CERI / CNRS 


Responsables scientifiques du groupe Migrations et Mobilités  : Catherine Wihtol de Wenden,  Hélène Le Bail, Hélène Thiollet, Stéphanie Latte, Antoine Pécoud, Catherine Perron et Thomas Lacroix

Organisé par : CERI