10:00 17:00
This workshop provides six doctoral candidates the opportunity to have detailed and critical feedback on one of the chapters of their thesis. … Read more
This workshop provides six doctoral candidates the opportunity to have detailed and critical feedback on one of the chapters of their thesis. Organized in a hybrid and bilingual format [French and English], it will take place on Tuesday, 04 June between 10:00 and 17:00, and is open to all members of the CHSP, including post-docs. Presence for the entirety of the workshop is not obligatory, so feel free to stop by throughout the day and discover what research is currently being undertaken by the CHSP doctoral community!
  • Evan BONNEY 
    « Policing Grass: Forestry, Surveillance, and Settlement within the Intermountain West of the United States, 1897-1914 »
  • Piergiorgio BRUNO 
    « Le parti-annonceur. Des experts militants aux agences de publicité : une étude comparative des stratégies et organisations communicationnelles adoptées par les conservateurs britanniques et les socialistes français et italiens (1970-1990) »
    « A Middle Way for the Middle Kingdom. The Granting of MFN Commercial Status to China and Beyond (1989-1992) »
  • Shirley LE PENNE 
    « Punir et guillotiner pendant la guerre d’Algérie »
  • Chloë MAYOUX 
    « Negotiating Nuclear Power and Independence in Africa »
    « Introduction à la thèse »
Organized by: Centre d'histoire de Sciences Po
Event in Français