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Undergraduate Admissions for applicants from foreign secondary schools: required documents

Section #alert
Section #sommaire
Section #all

For all applicants

  • CV/Résumé (in French or English, depending on the language of the programme). 
  • All official academic transcripts from the last three/four years of secondary education (including all available grades for the current year).
  • The unweighted cumulative grade average (please see below)
  • All available scores from secondary school examination (IB predicted grades, A-level predicted grades, etc.) or standardised tests (SAT, ACT, etc.), including expected scores.
  • Two academic references (mandatory). You may attach extra academic and/or professional references (optional).
  • Secondary school examination certificate, if already held.
  • Copy of your ID/Passport

Please do not overload your application with non-requested documents.

Calculation of the unweighted cumulative grade average

If you are facing difficulties in calculating your cumulative grade average, please contact us (admissions@sciencespo.fr) before submitting your application.

Important: candidates preparing the International Baccalaureate, the GCSE/A levels, a US high school diploma or the Indian CBSE/ICSE are not required to submit this document (please see below).

Section #ib

Applicants preparing an International Baccalaureate

Applicants who will get the International Baccalaureate (IB) must present their end-of-year IB predicted grades (official document stamped and signed by the school). Should this document be missing, your file will be deemed incomplete.

Section #hsd

Applicants preparing a High School Diploma (USA)

Applicants who hold, or will hold, a US High School Diploma must provide:

  • Unweighted GPA out of 4 (official document stamped and signed by the school).
  • A School profile
  • Optional: SAT Reasoning Test, SAT Subject test (code number: 6192) or ACT Test scores;
  • Optional: Advanced Placement (AP), including results
Section #al

Applicants preparing A-Levels (UK)

Applicants holding A-Levels must provide a transcript of their A-Level scores in at least three different subjects.

Section #cbse-icse

Applicants preparing the Indian CBSE/ICSE

Applicants must provide their national exams results of grade X. 

Section #notes


Fees & Financial Aid

Limited financial resources are not a barrier to receiving a Sciences Po education.

Nearly one in three students receives a full-fee scholarship.