Catherine Cavalin

Catherine Cavalin is the SILICOSIS team’s sociologist and statistician, and is also an associate researcher at the Centre d’études de l’emploi (Ministry of Research, Ministry of Labor and Employment). For SILICOSIS, she is in charge of producing statistical results which highlight correlations between working conditions and diseases. She uses data from existing surveys and works on new tools to examine these matters for statistical as well as clinical purposes. This includes the development of a new questionnaire on health status (particularly systemic inflammatory diseases of unknown causes) and exposure to inorganic particles.

Following interdisciplinary studies in social sciences (aggregation in social sciences, postgraduate studies in contemporary history and health economics) and a dozen years teaching economic history, economics and sociology in preparatory colleges, she coordinated the study Événements de vie et santé (Life Events and Health) in the Direction de la Recherche, des Études, de l’Évaluation et des Statistiques (DREES) in the French Ministry of Health. This study examines the relationship between violence suffered and state of health. Catherine is also completing a doctorate in sociology on this subject. In all her work, she crosses multiple statistical sources to question the construction of categories and tends towards a qualitative interpretation of quantitative data.

Key publications (in French)

  • Cavalin Catherine, Rosental Paul-André, Vincent Michel, 2013, “Risques liés à la silice cristalline : avérés ou non encore connus ? Doutes et recherche de preuves sur des maladies professionnelles et environnementales”, Environnement, Risques & Santé, 12(4), p. 352-358.
  • Algava Élisabeth, Cavalin Catherine, Célérier Sylvie, 2012, "La singulière bonne santé des indépendants", Travail et emploi, n° 132, octobre-décembre, p. 5-20.
  • Beck François, Cavalin Catherine, Maillochon Florence (dir.), 2010, "Violences et santé en France : état des lieux", Paris, la Documentation française, 274 p.
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