
Juliette Faure earned a PhD in political science from Sciences Po (CERI) in 2022. Her research focuses on conservative ideology production by Russian intellectual and political elites from the end of the Soviet Union to post-Soviet Russia (1970-2022).

She holds a Masters in International Affairs from Columbia University in New York and Sciences Po Paris. She completed her Bachelor of Political Science at Sciences Po Paris, along with a Licence in Philosophy from La Sorbonne (Paris IV).

During her PhD, she was a Visiting Fellow at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow (2019) and at the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Harvard University (2021-2022).

In 2022, she received the Michael Freeden Prize for best article published in the Journal of Political Ideologies. In 2018, she was awarded the second Strategic Thinking Prize of the Higher Council for Strategic Training and Research (CSFRS) for her research paper "The Political Idea of Tradition in Contemporary Russian Regime Discourses (2012-2018)" defended at Sciences Po.

She currently teaches international relations and political sociology at Paris II Panthéon-Assas.

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  • Teaching

    International relations (Bachelor degree and Master degree, Paris II)

    Political sociology (Bachelor degree)

  • Web


  • Languages

    French, English, Russian

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Main Publications

Revues à comité de lecture

« A Russian version of reactionary modernism: Aleksandr Prokhanov’s ‘spiritualization of technology’ », Journal of Political Ideologies, 2021, Vol. 26, n°3, pp. 356-379.

« Définir le conservatisme russe : un enjeu pour l’histoire des idées politiques », Cahiers du monde russe, 2020, Vol. 61, n°3-4, pp. 573-584.


« What role did ideology play in triggering Russia’s invasion of Ukraine? », The Russia Program, 8 octobre 2023.

« Nouvelle Russie, nouvel empire : Le Rêve de Prokhanov » (entretien), Cogito. Le Magazine de la recherche, novembre 2022.

« Qui sont les faucons de Moscou ? », Le Monde diplomatique, avril 2022, pp. 10-11.

« ‘Dynamic conservatism’: a Russian version of reactionary modernism », Ideology, Theory, Practice blog, 2021.

« Macron’s Dialogue with Russia: A French Attempt to Fix the European Security Architecture », 2021, Russia Matters, 2021. 

« Le cosmisme : une mythologie nationale russe contre le transhumanisme », The Conversation, 2021. 

« Le cosmisme : une vieille idée russe pour le XXIème siècle ? », Le Monde diplomatique, décembre 2018.

« L’idée de tradition au cœur de la politique du régime russe contemporain : un ‘conservatisme dynamique’ ? », Geostrategia, 2019. 

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