[STUDENT ESSAY] How Platform Regulation and the Misinterpretation of Law Reduce Creativity Online
12 July 2022
[ARTICLE] State Interest in Content Governance Through Platforms
29 August 2022


The Digital, Governance and Sovereignty Chair publishes a selection of the finest essays and papers written by Sciences Po students in the course of their studies.

This paper was written by three students from the Digital, New Technology and Public Policy stream of the Master in Public Policy and Master in European Affairs of the School of Public Affairs, as part of the course entitled “Comparative Approach to Big Tech Regulation” given by Florence G’sell.

The importance of adopting a sector specific approach to Big Tech regulation

This policy proposal is addressed to American experts following President Biden’s executive order which seeks to deal with issues of competition posed by Big Tech.

Whilst actors in the US have called for a dismantling of Big Tech, the EU has taken an arguably more comprehensive and integrated approach targeted at tech giants and online platforms by adopting a combination of new ex-ante regulation and specific antitrust measures. In light of this, the policy brief addresses the following:

Is the dismantling of Big Tech really a solution to the difficulties posed by their regulation?

In advising the US on actions to take regarding Big Tech’s dominance, this policy brief first establishes the different paths that can be taken moving forward, before outlining the current limitations of the existing American approach to antitrust. It subsequently looks at actions taken in the EU, and finally details our stance and recommendations.

This comes at a critical juncture when current public discourse about Big Tech indicates a heightened awareness of the risks associated with the dominance of digital platforms.

Click below to read the Policy Brief “The importance of adopting a sector specific approach to Big Tech Regulation “

About the authors


Hanna has a background in political science, philosophy and economics. She is particularly interested in social justice, urban and social policy, and the study of emerging trends in the digital and media realm in Europe and in the US. Her work seeks first to investigate threats posed by data-driven technologies, especially against marginalised and underprivileged communities, and second to explore how new technologies can be leveraged to develop more inclusive, ambitious and transformative social policies.

Master in European Affairs at the School of Public Affairs of Sciences Po and the London School of Economics,

Policy stream: Digital, New Technology and Public Policy


Toshali completed her undergraduate studies in political science and history, with a concentration on the Middle East. She is keen on exploring the relationship between the social sciences and technology, both in research and policy, and has worked on such topics with a focus on race, gender, and sexuality.

Master in Public Policy at the School of Public Affairs of Sciences Po
Policy stream: Digital, New Technology and Public Policy

Fabian Bi Sheng SIAU

Fabian has a background in linguistics, graduating from King’s College London in 2021, as well as communications and political science (Stanford University’s Summer Quarter in 2019). He is currently a Strategic Communications intern at the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office in London and has previously interned at the Singapore Ministry of Communications and Information. He is interested in government action and responses to digital issues and issues brought about by digital technologies.

Master in Public Policy at the School of Public Affairs of Sciences Po and Master of Global Affairs at the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto

Policy stream: Digital, New Technology and Public Policy

About the School of Public Affairs 

The School of Public Affairs offers masters covering all aspects of public affairs with eleven specialties and a very wide choice of international double degrees . It also offers excellent preparation for competitive examinations for senior national and European civil service.

A first publication of its kind, this student contribution was written as part of the course “Comparative approaches to Big Tech Regulation” given by Professor Florence G’sell in the spring semester. This course is given as part of the Digital, New Technology and Public Policy” stream, an interdisciplinary program in which students acquire the fundamental theoretical, practical and critical skills they need to shape the future of public policy in the digital era. This program is taught entirely in English