Ma, 06/08/2013

These audiofiles are parts of an interview with Dr Sidney D. Drell (1926-2017) in his office at the Hoover Institution on August 6, 2013. Benoit Pelopidas interviewed him because he was an original member of JASON, a group advising the US presidents on nuclear weapons issues, starting in the 1960s and worked on arms control his whole life. In the 2000s he was crucial in setting the group of the ‘four horsemen’, advocating further nuclear arms reductions with a view to preventing nuclear terrorism.

Me, 01/08/1945

Une sélection d'articles de la presse francophone couvrant les bombardements de Hiroshima et Nagasaki, en août 1945. Les documents ont été calibrés pour permettre la recherche en texte intégral.


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